Chapter Thirteen (I love morphine)

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Ruby’s P.O.V

My eyes started to turn a hazel color, as a foreign growl erupted form my chest. I watched the red and black wolf trying to kill me, as she looked for an opening.

“Get away from here!” I said lunging at her, I felt tried and beaten but, I wouldn’t give up. If I did, Yoseob and I would die. I am too young to die.

“Never! You haven’t seen the last of me.” She snarled, pinning me to the ground. I pressed my hind paws against her stomach flinging her off me, she landed swiftly.  She rolled her ruby red eyes, then they looked at me arm a wolf smirk grew on her face.

“You’re the oh so precious one! Ha, you couldn’t even kill a fly.” She sneered, she lunged at me. Her jaws closing around my throat, I struggled against her grip. Blood started to fill my mouth, I couldn’t breathe, and I gave one last burst of strength pushing her off.

I leaped on her, pinning her down biting her foreleg. Darting back, I tried to ignore how much blood I lost and the forest was spinning. She took advantage of my distraction, charging she leaped at me, I ducked.

Her hind claws ripped open a gash on my shoulder. I am not fighter, I should give up. I couldn’t even stand on my…paws. More wolves started to file in the clearing, I saw Amber’s black wolf, and I assumed the rest were the pack.

Cami, why have you returned?” Linus growled, stalking forward in his huge sandy brown wolf. I couldn’t stand up straight blood was still gushing out on the snow. Cami grinned at me, noticing my state.

“I will become alpha soon because this thing bleeding to death right now is your wolf savior.” Cami snarled, she stalked away. No one followed, my legs collapsed under me, everything was spinning.

“Ruby! Someone get the doctor.” Linus ordered a small brown wolf. He nodded, Linus bent down to me. His eyes were brown, I’ve never noticed.

“Ruby can you hear me?” He asked, worry filled his voice. I nodded my head, still not human yet.

“Can you shift back to human?” Amber asked me anxiously. I nodded with a great effort I turned human once more.

“Yoseob…” I whispered, bite marks visible on my throat.

“He’s right-Oh my God.” Amber said in horror, running up to her best friend. He was lying in a pool of his own blood, there was huge gouges on his chest, and though I bet you I didn’t look too hot either.

Linus picked me up, I made a small noise of protest. But I wasn’t seeing right. One hand under my knees and one on my back, I tried to help by wrapping my arms around his neck. Leaning my head on his chest, I thought about random things.

I wonder if I am still bleeding, man I am getting blood on the alpha’s shirt. Not the best for me, I sighed heavily. I touched my neck and pulled my hand back to see my fingers stained red.

“Sorry, I got mud on your shirt, I mean blood.” I said but, it didn’t come out clear like I wanted.

“It’s fine.” Linus said, walking with some wolves beside him. Oo, I like wolves they are cool.

“I like wolves, see those walking by you? They are cool.” I mumbled, what am I even saying? I feel drunk, wait how would I know I’ve never been drunk? Have I?

“Morphine, I like it.” I sang, clapping my hands. Drugs, man they be cool only the doctor ones. I felt Linus laughing under me.

“Funny what so?” I asked, that was out of order.

“You, we should give you morphine more often.” He said shaking with laughter, leading me into the pack house he set me down on a bed.

“Your lips are moivn’!” I screamed, okay someone shut me up.

“This is all Cami’s fault that ugly she demon! She has to die, maybe she’ll be run over by a bus. Wouldn’t that be awesome!?” I asked Linus, I felt someone lay next to me, it was Yoseob.

“Oh, my Yoseob!” I cried hugging him, he felt confused, why?

“Ruby?” He asked petting my head.

“The one and only.” I said poking his nose. Was I still bleeding?

“You’re bleeding.” He said touching my neck.

“Yeah, where is the doctor?” I asked, lying next to him. Then a dude in his mid-twenties came in, he was hot. No Ruby, you like Yoseob. Oh, yeah sorry.

“No offense but, I hate your sister.” I told Yosoeb. Wait how many days of school have I missed?

“Yeah, I do too.” He said putting an arm around me. My neck was stitched up, and Yoseob was kind of better too. I snuggled into his side.

“Yoseob, I think I love you.” I said softly, he tensed then relaxed.

“I love you too Ruby.” He said kissing my hair, I kissed his cheek.

“’Night.” I sighed, drifting into sleep.


Wow, bad chapter sorry. I am trying, so I am kind of board and I don’t think I am gonna add pics and stuff too much work.

Love, Al

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