Chapter Three (Claim?)

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: SHINFINITee

  I freakien hate Mia, with all my heart. I swear Zachariah is a player and trying to get the innocent new girl. I laughed out loud, and Zachariah and his friend Colin looked at me.

“What?” I asked trying to scoot away from them.

“Nothing, I was just wondering what you found so funny.” Zachariah said placing a hand on my thigh. I stared at his hand, I wanted to slap it or punch him.

“Get you freakien hand off me.” I said evenly, he gave me a look and kept his hand there. Well, that set me off. I stood up and slapped him in the face.

“Bitch!” He hissed then I think he thought he still had some chance with me, if he took it slow. So he reversed tactics.

“I am sorry, I touched your thigh.” He said his blue eyes looking soft, I didn’t fall for it. Again after Zachariah touched me I heard a loud growl in my head.

“You should be.” I said sitting down again, and bouncing my leg. Lunch passed awfully slowly, and I hated every second of it. Colin had an eye on me too, he’s just lucky I didn’t slap him. The sweet, sweet bell rang and I sprang up from my seat.

“See ya later.” I said to Zachariah, “Or not.” I whispered then giggled to myself. Liz walked past me and said to me, “Lookey who’s Zachariah’s new toy.” I wanted to slap her too, as if sensing me about to spring, Yoseob’s arms wrapped around my waist. I pulled against him.

“Just on punch!” I said still pulling.

“Hell, no. You are lucky Zachariah thought you were pretty.” Yoseob whispered in my ear. Again, I am going to kill Mia.

“I am going to kill Mia, wanta help?” I asked Yoseob, pulling again after seeing Mia.

“No, I am not going to let you go. I am your friend now and I will help you. But now with murder.” Yoseob said dragging me to my class. I saw Mia walk in, God that girl was everywhere!

“I am fine now, let go!” I said not pulling any more.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“Of course.” I snapped. He let go and gave me a look, I smiled back. Then his eyes grew wide.

“Ruby don’t you da-.”He said before I slipped into my class. Lucky me, the only seat was next to Mia. Again I say lucky me, not serious. I sat next to the ginger and she sighed. The teacher talked and I wrote down notes. I took out an extra paper and wrote on it.

Why do you hate me? What did I ever do to you?

Then I passed the paper to Mia, she read it and sighed.

Why should I tell you?

Then she passed it back, I almost cussed out loud. She ad lest needs to give me an answer!

I need an answer and I need one now! Just tell me then I’ll leave you alone.

I passed it back to her, she rolled her eyes and passed me the note back in her fancy writing.

Because, I had a chance with Yosoeb and you stole him form me! DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND, I AM POPLAUR AND YOU AREN’T! YOSEOB BELONGS TO ME!

When she passed it back to me, I almost spite out laughing.

Yoseob doesn’t belong to you, he belongs to himself.

I wrote, then the teacher came and asked me the note which I had written down.

“Plants and animal cells are different.” I said quickly knowing I am a junior. And it was a dumb excuse, I don’t even think this is what we were writing about.

“Okay, then but this is math class.” Mr. Hanson said looking at me.

“Yeah, I was just messing round here are my notes.” I said handing my notebook to him. He read it over.

“Okay then just listen.” He said going to the front. Mia sighed and wrote.

Why do you keep yelling at me?  And Yoseob dose belong to me it’s just popular rule book.

She passed it back to me. Mad I scrubbed everything out.

I am not yelling at you, I just write in all caps. And again yoseob belongs to himself. Dumb.

ARE YOU CALLING ME DUMB!? Well, we are done here!

I sighed and sat on the note. So she thinks she has some popular claim on Yoseob, all this about a boy? A sweet, kind, handsome boy. I don’t even think That Mia notices how Yoseob is, it’s just sickening. I waited for the final bell to ring. It rang and I tore up the note and dumped it into the trash. Then I ran home.

Lone Wolf (Yoseob fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें