Chapter Ten (Threats)

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I awoke ruefully, to a knock, more like a banging on the door.

“Go away!” I groaned, this bed was awesome! It was king sized and big and fluffy and…I could just go on about the bed. The banging came again.

“What part of go away, don’t you understand?” I muttered and rolled over. Then I heard the door, click and it swung open. I think I know who, is standing there but, I don’t care.

“Come on, sweetie. I made you breakfast.” An unfamiliar voice said, sweetly. I jerked my head up, the girl I saw last night stood there, dressed in demi skinny jeans and a red plaid button up shirt. Her chestnut brown hair, was expertly hung up in a tight bun. Her glittering blue eyes, were locked on me. She also held a tray of juice, cereal and toast. She brought it over to me, and set it in my lap.

“Thanks?” I said, asked. She laughed a light, bell laugh.

“My name is Shara, by the way. So how are you enjoying your stay?” She asked me, I gave her a stare. I wasn’t in a hotel, I was being held prisoner. In my own Hell, plus I haven’t seen Yoseob in a day! Okay maybe I had a problem but, not the point.

“My stay? Did you seriously just ask that? Werewolves…I swear. I am gonna kill someone.” I said, how can anyone be so stupid?

“We are trying to make this as hospitable for you, as we can.” Shara said sincerely. I just about growled, then plastered a fake smile on my face.

“I have an idea. How about letting me free? I won’t tell.” I said, then I thought of my family. I bet you they were panicking that I wasn’t home, holy crap I would be in trouble. As soon as I am no longer a prisoner.

“No, sweetie we can’t do that. Bye now.” Shara said, a bit stiffly. I wonder if she is stuck up. But for some reason I didn’t want to be alone to sulk.

“Wait! Don’t leave me!” I begged, then I rolled over, forgetting the food. Two things happened at once, I felt out of the bed, with a bang. Second food went flying everywhere on the wide bed spread.

“Ow.” I complained, removing my hand form the wooden floor. I could just lie here forever. Then a voice said…”Ugh, we have to clean this now! UGH! UGH! UGH!” Shara said okay, so I was being a bit much on the ‘ughs’. I am just so glad that she cares some much about me.

“I am so glad you care about me, maybe I broke a bone and then, got killed by a rabid dog.” I said sarcasm in my voice. I got up, my legs making a sucking noise. I stood up, and looked at her. Shara was cleaning the floor, muttering something under her breath. I think she was cussing at me.

“Ruby, I wish to show you something.” A voice said, I didn’t want to be with in a hundred feet of him. I turned to AJ.

“WHAT!?” I yelled, okay so maybe I was really pissed at him.

“God, um…what happened here?” He asked looking at Shara, was there lust in his eyes? I didn’t care.

“Ruby, here decided to throw her food all over the place instead of eating it.” Shara said her hands on her hips. Very much like a diva, I laughed out loud and covered my mouth.

“I am ‘so’ glad you found that amusing.” Shara said her voice full of sarcasm. I laughed harder, then looked at AJ.

“What horrible place are you taking me?” I asked.

“You’ll see, but get dressed.” He said. I crossed my arms.


“Ruby, please say something! You are killing me.” AJ begged me, I kept my mouth shut. I haven’t said a single word in 40 minutes. I was killing AJ, good. I looked around the woods, the snow was so white…I hated it. So wet and sticky. Where was my hero to save me now?

Yoseob’s P.O.V

I padded in the snow, ugh I hated this! Where the fuck was Ruby!? I miss here, and she just ditched me…I whined really loud.

“Dude! I know, we are looking for her, God, just shut up!” Amber growled in my head, she was with me so was, Linus and Reggie.

“Amber, we all agreed to go with him, so stay in line.” Linus said, his voice full of alphaness. Is that a word?

“I could care less, honestly. I just wanted to get out of the place.” Reggie said, I wanted to leap at him. I looked at my black stocking marks on my forelegs. I learned that now, your coat can change, it is slightly weird. Not as weird as being a wolf, nothing can be weirder than that. I closed my eyes, and stood still. Trying to somehow sense Ruby. I opened my eyes.

“What do you see? Or sense, or whatever the thing is.” Amber asked me.

“Ruby is in the forest somewhere, I can tell. Let’s go.” I replied changing my gait into a full blow run. The others followed me.

“I can smell Blue Moon.” Linus said going all stiff.

“The beer?” Amber asked. I wanted to hurt that girl.

“No, you idiot. The pack, I can smell their leader and…” Linus said.

“RUBY!” I finished and ran again. I spotted them and sighed with relief, then went stiff. AJ looked at me and smiled, Ruby looked at me and smiled, gratefully. But what disturbed me was that he hand his arm around her.

“Yosoeb, I am so glad you can. Oh and you brought your pack, along.” AJ said brightly. I growled.

“I would like you to meet Ruby, my mate.” AJ said smiling. Ruby looked at me sadly. No it couldn’t be true.

“Ruby?” I asked her, she gave me a heartbreaking smile.

“It’s true…” She said.

I felt like my heart broke into a million pieces. No! NO! NO! NO! I howled long and painful. She chose AJ over me….

Author’s note: Didn’t see that coming!? Did yua? Okay so I changed P.O.V I thought you should kind of understand Yoseob. Okay so let, Ruby explain why she had to say yes…wait did I give up too much? All well

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