Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The chaos engulfed me. All around there were vampires. These ones weren't like the vampires I was so used to. I snapped at them and they were fast. Faster than my wolf. It enraged the beast, it tried harder and harder to sink its fangs into something's flesh, anything's flesh. For all its tries, it only got silver daggers embedded into my flesh and one brave vampire who dived onto my back and started drinking my blood. The silver seemed to react with my blood and draw all my strength away from me while the vampire drank the blood that wasn't infected with the silver. In my weakened state the beast panicked snapping at the vampires around, all that accomplished was daggers to the face. Though the vampire on my back was thrown off. The beast withdrew back into itself leaving only my mind and heart to figure this one out. The one time I really needed its rage. I supposed beasts were never meant to be trustworthy. I had just never expected it to cower away from anything. I thought it would get me killed not knowing how to stop.

Regretting not bringing my gun I had to stay in wolf form though only having fur to protect me I felt vulnerable. I ducked and weaved to avoid all their attacks, bleeding heavily and my mind fogged over, I needed to escape. Though my mother's scent cut through all the foreign vampire smells, she was there and she was alive. But I was no good to her dead, and that I would be if I would if I continued here.

My hindlegs bunched up and I launched myself into the air. Crunching a few vampires on the way down under my paws, I was able to escape just because of the shock of it. I shifted back desperately needing my hands. They chased after me like a horde of zombies, tripping over themselves and pushing at the walls, all bloodthirsty to get me. I pulled the daggers out of my back and my arms as I scrambled down the hall. As I pulled each one out my body and my blood recovered and I started to pick up speed once again. The wounds started to heal themselves as I pulled the last one out. New energy rushed back into me though pain and blood erupted I knew that the wounds would soon close without the silver blocking my ability to heal.

Help was what I needed.

Orvar was the closest, a vampire slayer, surely he would be able to hold back the horde. We ran into a waiting room and I shifted back my wolf form able to leap over the navy seats. The horde burst through them ripping them apart as if they were some kind of natural disaster, a cyclone or a tsunami. I ran for my life, fear coursing through me from that one glance back. In wolf form it as easier, big bloodied paws pounded along leaving the vampires behind.

I rounded another corner and there were Orvar and Sabinus. Sabinus in hawk form Orvar was giving him orders. I shifted back and darted over them.

"Vampires, big horde," was all I managed before they too rounded the corner.

Orvar's eyes became aglow and I threw myself to the ground as he blasted the vampires behind me with blinding blue light. A blast of air rustled my blood-soaked hair as Sabinus joined the fight with razor talons.

I stood and shifted once again, willing the beast to crawl out of its cave. I took a deep breath in making should to get as much of the scent of blood as I could. With Orvar and Sabinus my fear subsided and the beast was lured out. It was hungry for blood, the scent of my mother was lost to my nose and the desperate needy panic to catch the scent once again fuelled the beast.

The bloodlust cast a haze over my memory and perception. The familiar metallic taste filled my mouth over and over again, its warmness trickled down my throat, my mind and heart screamed the entire time. Crunching of bones and ripping of limps. The beast didn't have time to kill, only to tear and maim. Hardly aware of the hawk or slayer around me I ploughed through the vampires. All there was, was red. And the beast was filled with joy as it could do as it pleased with nothing to hold it back.

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