Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"Gods damn it!" Sylvia cried.

She had attempted the spell trying to narrow down on the location of the werewolf so many times, though some of her equipment was a little broken. She was using the trace left behind on me from my bite and trying to use a tracking spell through some kind of mirror that was a highly polished gemstone then there were a bunch of crystals involved. It seemed like an intensive process.

After a long sleep, many showers and a whole new set of clothes for me we had begun work on this next project. I wasn't sure how much of Sylvia's power had returned but it seemed like she really wanted to get this out of the way as soon as possible.

"We can just use my nose," I offered, sensing her frustration.

Sylvia sighed, "I'll try to get as close as possible."

Her pointed fingertips traced the faint scar on my neck, she drew a line through the air which glowed with a soft gray. She then brought that line to a crystal that glowed the same colour, then moved her fingers very carefully. Then she flicked a finger toward the mirror and an image appeared.

It was the forest and some movement within it.

"That has to be it!" I called.

There was visible strain on Sylvia's face as one of her hands trembled trying to keep the vision up. Her other hand struck me like a snake and the fanged tips of her fingernails dug into my shoulders. The trembling hand moved closer toward the mirror and magic seemed to swirl around us, my senses being dulled by the whorl. Faster and faster it went until her hand met the mirror and everything changed.

We were no longer in the dank basement but out in the broad daylight of the forest. Birds freaked out and flew away in a flurry of feathers, other creatures rustled away into the bushes to avoid us. None quite large enough to be the wolf though.

Sylvia was panting, nearly doubled over beside me. This was all me.

I shifted into my wolf form, taking a big breath in with more precise senses helped, I could smell something completely out of place. I closed my eyes to focus more on the scent when I felt something grab my side and get on me. I turned my head to see Sylvia sitting on my back as if I were a horse.

"Don't give me that look," she scoffed, "I can't keep up with you in your wolf form anyway."

I tried to put it out of my mind but the feeling was incredibly strange. Taking another breath in through my nose I focused on that strange scent. It didn't quite fit in with the Australian forest, though masked by it, much as I did. I started to move toward it trying to find some kind of trail.

It took me a while but as soon as I found a single wolf fur on the ground I knew I was in the right direction. Sylvia's hands gripped my fur tight as I surged forward. It couldn't be far away. What was better is it didn't know we were coming.

I choose speed over sleath as I followed the trail through the thick overgrown forest. It would probably smell me coming but we had the teleport as a form of surprise anyway.

We pressed ever forward and I was a little excited even to finally meet this wolf who had tormented me. It had changed my life so completely there was nothing left of it except itself. Now would finally be my chance of revenge.

There was a little movement up ahead and Sylvia sat more forward. She whispered into my ear, "get it view and I'll freeze it."

I nodded and pushed my body further, sore muscles screaming at me. I told them to shut the fuck up, because when would I ever get a chance like this again?

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