Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The green lights got tangled in my fur as I shifted and slowly they were coming loose and whizzing away. I was going to overheat at this rate but maybe then I would just let the beast take over. I didn't care, any means necessary I'd get to town before nightfall.

That woman of the tree had pointed the way and without a second to lose I shifted and ran. My legs were going as fast as they possibly could yet it felt too slow. There were only a few more hours of sunlight. Not that I could see much of it, only filtered green light.

As I continued further in the correct direction the trees seemed to thin out and it was easier for my wolf body to pass through them.

Beams of light even shot down onto the forest floor, moss scurried away from the golden pools. I charged through them, through everything. If only I wasn't so lazy as a wolf maybe this whole race against the sun would have been easier. My muscles burned under my skin and my mouth grew dry despite drinking not that long ago.

It was ok, I would have vampire blood to moisten my mouth shortly, the beast it seemed had emerged at the mere mention of vampires. Purpose gave me a decent grip on its collar though if I needed to I'd let it rampage. Sylvia's eyes were one of the rare things able to snap it out of its pure bloodlust and she was the only one alive that I truly cared about. On the mythical side anyway.

There was still Sam in that town as well as the rest of my friends and maybe even my father. I didn't know what marching on the town completely meant but if they were in danger I had to be there to protect them, I just had to.

I hadn't thought about Sam in a long time.

But as I was racing through the forest this warm, completely other to the Queensland heat, welled up in my chest. I missed him. I don't think I'd been apart from him this long since that one summer his family had taken him on this big holiday touring all of these South-East Asian countries. It seemed like it was incredible and Sam had finally been able to see some relatives for the first time in his life. But back in Australia, I missed him. Our friendship group just wasn't as fun without him. I wondered if he felt the same right now. It was a kind of mourning in my heart for him because I couldn't go see him again. It would be unfair on him and probably put him in danger.

No I would probably never see Sam again.

That stung but if I could protect him. Now that would maybe make these werewolf powers seem worth all the pain they had caused.

My lungs started to burn, I didn't fight the very dog-like instinct to let my tongue loll out of my mouth. It worked a little with the wind rushing by me but it did make my mouth feel even more dry.

I was lucky that the ground was so flat here. I think I would have passed out if there was even a slight hill.

Almost gasping for air I pushed myself further. The sun was beginning to set. I needed to be there already.

So much air was rushing in and out of me as I desperately tried to keep my speed up. I was a mythical creature, one with unnatural strength but even that had its limits I guessed and mine was coming up very soon.

As I took my next breath in the beast might have just came with excitement, the sickly scent of vampire carried faintly in the gentle breeze.

And for once I was excited to smell it too.

I could have smiled at it even. A wolfy smile. I had to be close. I slowed my running just a little to attempt to conserve some of my energy.

That smell had haunted me for so long, meant so much of the downfall of my life and yet I could not get enough of it. As it grew stronger and stronger the more pleased I became.

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