Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I said goodbye to all my mates. They acted like nothing was wrong and I guess they had no reason to think anything was. They didn't know they were friends with someone who should be a corpse rotting in the forest. There were so many slight changes I had felt today and the fangs were just the icing on the fucked up cake. They were the most real. I could see them and feel them but more importantly that hot pink hair girl could see them as well. The weirdos as well it seemed. But my senses were, well, they were all me and they were insane. Maybe it was because I hadn't gotten enough sleep, were my senses heightened just because I was cranky from lack of sleep, was it just a mere perception thing? Maybe it was something else entirely. Something very off.

I returned to the place I had woken up. Even under the clear light of the afternoon sun, there was nothing strange about it. Well aside from the scent of my own blood. But that was there even under the trippy light of dawn. It was heavy and now has progressed to smelling like a rotting carcass. It stung my nose. I had lost a lot of blood, like all the blood in my body. But if I had bled out by the paws of some crazy powerful creature, I couldn't be standing here smelling it. Yet I was here panicking over the fact that I was looking at what was essentially all of the blood in my body, but in order to be looking at it I had to still have blood in my body. My head span. This is way too much.

Licking my new fangs I wondered, how did it give me some kind of crazy disease? It was like I died and was born again, as a fanged sensitive weirdo. Like vampire Jesus.

Giving up, I left the forest and on the short walk back I wondered if I should Google 'why do I suddenly have fangs?' I shook my head and chuckled to myself. It would come up with cancer or some other crazy terrible disease. I'd never heard of any kind of disease that gives people fangs but what do I know... I could research large mammals, carnivorous animals... In Australia? I couldn't think of any. The closest thing would be a kangaroo or a dingo, and sure a kangaroo could fuck you up but it wouldn't bite you like that. I remembered powerful jaws. It made me feel sick to the stomach. I knelt close to the ground and took some deep breaths to calm myself.

It had to be something foreign. Something unholy.

I hit my head on the keyboard. Yet another werewolf website came up. I'm not looking for werewolves. Frustration pulsated through me and I gripped my laptop screen wanting to rip it apart. Veins bulged beneath my skin, making my hands look like the hands of a monster. I let go trembling and closed my laptop, backing away from it, I sat on my bed.

What was that?

Werewolves. Yeah right, a mythical creature, that's what disease I have. What a joke. I hid my hands beneath my legs, it's funny how when you research a disease too much you're convinced that you have it. I swallowed hard, closing my eyes to try and forget it.

I was exhausted. My eyes and body were probably just playing tricks on me. I threw off my shirt and collapsed. But as I was doing so I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Something was very off. My brow furrowed and I sat back up. What I saw in the mirror did not belong to me. Sure it had my blonde hair and blue eyes but that person's body was ripped. I flexed my new arm and smiled.

A nice change I guess.


I was almost late for school, my whole body ached. Just moving around was painful, it was like muscle pains after exercise times one hundred. And what made it worse was I didn't even know what was wrong with me. I was so frustrated but I couldn't talk to my mum about it and I certainly couldn't talk to my dad about it. So I had to suffer with the pain all alone. Although I'm pretty sure my Mother noticed me acting a little strange. She didn't say anything but I caught her watching me from other rooms. Blue eyes peering out from cracks between doors, or giving me a side eye every few seconds as he back was turned. Who needs a haunting when you have a suspicious Mother? Everything was so weird and confusing, even my Mother. What made it worse was my senses were still haywire and my teeth were still fanged.

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