Hi, I still hate you

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There, standing right in front of me ( okay more like 3 yards in front of me, but you get the point), was my old best friend, Daniel James Seavey. Surrounding him were David and four cute boys.

Dani turned around, and when he saw me he smiled but looked confused. Then a look of recognition spread across his face.

"Flexy-lexi" he said coming to hug me, but I stepped back. He looked confused.

" Flexy-lexi?" David asked

"It's nothing" I said. Daniel still looked confused but didn't say anything.

" Okay, well anyways Lexi, this is Corbyn, Zach, Jack, and Jonah and I assume you already know Daniel." David said

I nodded at them "hey"

" Hi I'm Corbyn" said the one with the blonde hair

" I'm Zach" said the one with baby cheeks

"I'm Jack, but you can call me noodles" said the one with literal noodles for hair

"I'm Jonah" said the tall one with a sharp jawline

"I'm Daniel" said Daniel. As if he needed to tell me that

" And we're Why Don't We" they all said.

I giggled a little.

*Daniels p.o.v*

I couldn't believe it. Here was my childhood best friend. And damn she had a huge glow up. She was more like sexy-lexi then flexy-lexi, but I couldn't say that.

"Flexy-lexi" I said running twords her. I tried to hug her but she stepped away. I was confused. Why would she do that? We were the best of friends.

" Flexy-lexi" David asked

"It's nothing" Lexi replied.

Ouch that hurt.

Nothing? It was her special name. It was the name I would use to make her eat. The name she absolutely hated. The name I can up with after she wouldn't stop rubbing it in that she beat me.

Then I remembered something. I had never called her. I left her on seen for years and kinda forgot about her. That might have mad her a little mad.

I suddenly realized the boys were doing our signature introduction and that it was my turn.

" I'm Daniel" I said, even though she knew that.

"And we're Why Don't We" we said

She giggled. God I missed that giggle.

Maybe she'd forgive me.

*Lexi's p.o.v*

" I was thinking that we could go out to dinner all together tonight so that you guys can get to know each other and your styles." David said

"Sure" I said

" Okay" said Corbyn smiling at me. I smiled back.

*Daniels p.o.v*

Why is she smiling at him? Why is this making me so mad? Stop Daniel she's just you friend. Hopefully. But maybe she could be more...

*Zach's p.o.v*

Damn she's cute. I wonder if she's single. But then again I could tell Corbyn wanted her. And she looks older. But I don't care because I want her.

"Where are we going to eat" I asked

"I don't know but I'll text you guys so you know what to wear" said David

*Lexi's p.o.v*

Where did you go?//Daniel Seavey imagineWhere stories live. Discover now