When we were little

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A/n : I'm using Lexi as a name, it's just easier for me, but pretend that Lexi is you

*Flash back, you and Dani are both 5*
L:"no mom I don't want to eat, I wanna go play with dan-dan" ( your nickname for Daniel)
Mom:"Lexi, sweetheart you have to eat to stay healthy"
L:"dan-dan keeps me healthy"
Mom:" fine, go get Daniel and bring him here and see if he wants to eat"
L:"ok" I skipped nextdoor and knocked on the door
L:" dan-dan are you here"
I heard a piano stop playing and heard feet coming quickly. Then the door swung open to reveal Daniel with a huge smile on his face
D:"hey flexy-lexi" he said, using the nickname he gave me when I beat him in dodgeball and kept rubbing it in.
L:" hey you wanna come over to my house and play"
D:"yes, but I get to be the watermelon this time"
L:" fine" I said, running with him over to my house
L:" mommy, dan-dan's here"
Mom:" great come here kids" me and Dani walked into the kitchen
Mom:" Daniel will you please show Lexi that she needs to eat" she said offering him watermelon.

Daniel didn't even think twice. He just grabbed the watermelon and shoved it in his mouth, then turned to me with his mouth full
D:"see lex, this is how you eat"
L:"but I don't want to"
D:" come on please flexy-lexi" he said shoving more into his mouth
L:" nope" I said crossing my arms in front of my chest
D:"fine I'll just keep calling you flexy-lexi"
L:"fine I'll eat" Daniel always knew how to make me do something.

After we had finished eating, we ran upstairs and played our watermelon game

*End flashback*
That's how it was before everything fell apart for me, and took of for him. That's how it was when we were still friends

This is my first book, so sorry if it's terrible. I know that not a lot is happening, but it will later on. I will try to upload every day, but let's be honest that probably not going to happen. Anyways, please let me know what you thought about it
Published : Jun 19, 2019
390 words

Where did you go?//Daniel Seavey imagineWhere stories live. Discover now