Chapter 33

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We finally arrived home a little late the next afternoon. It's a long drive and there was a lot of traffic getting out of Boston. Plus we did have to stop a few times for food, bathroom breaks and to feed the kids and get them out of the car seats and hold them for a little while.
It felt so wonderful being home. My wife and I walked into our home with our children and finally I felt a little more relaxed. Zelena asked if we wanted her to stay for a few days to help out. We really didn't want to impose on her, but we took her up in her offer. She left us alone for a few hours to go back to her apartment to shower and gather some more clothes. She said she would also pick up some food from Granny's on the way back. That first night night went better than we had expected. We didn't even need to wake Zelena to help us. Sammy woke up a few times, then it was Henry a few times. Regina and I took turns when we heard cries and only once did they wake up together so it wasn't that bad. It was the same thing over the next few days and nights. Henry's nurse Carol was right, he has a great appetite. After the third day Zelena went back to her apartment and Regina and I continued on with the twins. We decided that we would soon hire a person to come in and clean up a few times a week. Having a big house with twins isn't easy.
The next month or so was mostly the same. The twins got on some sort of schedule and Regina and I went back to work in a part time basis for now. I unfortunately was on call most of the time because I'm the Sheriff, but it's a small town so not much happens.
I'm home with the kids today because Regina has an appointment with her gynecologist. It's been 8 weeks since the twins were born so they need to check and make sure everything is healing or healed the way it should be. Right now I'm sitting on our very comfortable couch with my head back and I'm just about to fall asleep when I hear some noise. I'm not sure if it's the kids or just my imagination. Then I hear my wife's voice and my eyes pop open. "Babe. Your home. Everything ok?"  I ask in a very tired voice. She walks over and kisses me then sits next to me. "Everything is wonderful my love. I was told everything is in perfect shape... everywhere". She has this big huge smile one her face. I'm so tired that I don't catch on to quickly. "That's awesome babe. I'm so glad your doing well". I yawn and move to lay down on the couch and put my head on Regina's legs. She starts to run her fingers through my hair and her nails scratch my scalp a little. It feels so relaxing that I fall asleep in no time. I wake up a little later and I'm alone on the couch. Damn. I feel bad. My wife was telling me about her doctors appointment and I totally fell asleep on her. I'm an ass. I get up and walk out of our living room, I hear sounds from the kitchen. I walk in and see Regina feeding Henry. She looks at me and smiles. "Did you have a good nap my love?"  I walk over to her and kiss her, then I kiss Henry's head. "Yes I did and I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you. I feel like an asshole".  "Emma it's fine sweetheart. We are both tired most of the time. I completely understand that you wanted to sleep". She kisses me again. "Thanks babe but you were telling me about your appointment. You said everything went well".   "Yes dear. Everythingggg is fine". She over enunciated the word everything and then gave me a wink that made my dick twitch.  "Oh....  Everything is good. To go?"   She smiles and nods. "Yup. Everything. Although we may have to take it easy for a little while, but we have a green light".   "Shit babe. That's awesome".  I kiss her. It was just a kiss, a soft and gentle kiss. I pull back and we smile at each other. I feel so much love in this moment. It was just a kiss and a smile but it means so much to me knowing she's here every day. She's the mother of our children and I thank god that I'm....   "Emma. Wake up. Where are you?"  Regina asks with a laugh. "I'm sorry babe. I was just thinking about our life, and I was thinking how I thank god every day that we are together and we have each other".  She pulls me in for another sweet kiss. We hear Henry starting to get cranky and we both look at him. It seems he's done eating so I take him from Regina. "Hey there kid, what's wrong, you upset that your not getting enough attention from me and mommy?"  I start to tickle his neck and he smiles at me. The twins are only 2 months old so I don't think they really can laugh yet. I rub and pat his back a bit. He did just eat and he probably needs a few burps. A moment later he let out a good rip and Regina and I both laughed. "Oh my love he is definitely your son". I kiss his head. "Yup. That's my boy".
A few hours later, after having dinner and playing, feeding and then bathing the twins they went to bed with no problem at all and they were asleep in no time. It was only 8:30pm so we went back downstairs, sat on the couch and I put the tv on. Regina laid back in my arms and had her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head and held her a little tighter. It wasn't long before Regina moves a bit and sat up. She yawned and stretched. She got up and walked in front of me. She leaned down, put her hands in my thighs and kissed me. "I'm going up to take a shower my love". She kisses me again and walked away slowly. Before she leaves the room she stops and turns around. "Care to join me? .....Papi". She gives me a wink and leaves the room. I hear an evil sexy laugh as she starts to go upstairs. My dick twitches and starts to get hard.  "Oh fuck yeah". I jump up and quickly shut everything off, check to make sure the doors are locked and run upstairs as fast as I can. I burst into our bedroom and Regina isn't there. I hear the water running in the shower. I feel myself getting harder. "Oh fuck". I undress as fast as I can and go into the bathroom. I see Regina's silhouette though the shower doors. "Fuck". I close my eyes because I need to calm down. It's been a long time since we've had sex and I feel like I could cum before I even get in the shower. I take a few deep breaths then I hear Regina speak. "Are you going to join me or are you just going to watch me?"   I take another deep breath then walk to the shower and get in. She turns around and looks at me with a smile. We embrace each other and start kissing passionately. I run my hands down to her ass and squeeze. She moans in my mouth. I move my hands down the back of her thighs and lift her legs so she can wrap them around my waist. I turn to the side and press her up against the shower wall. I start kissing down her neck and begin to kiss suck all over. She lets out a moan and pulls on my hair. "Emma I need you please. It's been so long". I nod and kiss her then I move to penetrate her. I start slowly. I remember what she said earlier about taking it slow for a while. She doesn't seem to be in any discomfort so I move in more. I move back and then in again. I watch her face as I repeat this a few times. It feels so fucking good to me. As I continue I ask. "You feeling ok babe?"  She doesn't use words she just nods and moans. I continue at the same pace. It's definitely working for the both of us. Regina is loudly moaning and starting to shake meaning she's close. "Babe I need to cum. I don't think I can wait any longer". She only nods. She starts to rub her fingers around her clit and that's it I'm done for. I start to cum and thank goodness so does she. We just hold each other as we try to get our breathing back to normal. We share a kiss and then smile at each other. "Thank you my love. I've been looking forward to that all day". She gives me a smile. I give her a stupid smile and say. "I have been looking forward to that for the last 2 months". She lets out a big laugh and so do I. "Perhaps we should actually wash up now sweetheart". I kiss her again and nod. I move back a bit and she puts her legs back down. I hold her in place just in case. We then wash each other's bodies and hair. After the shower we dried off then we got into some pajamas and head to bed.

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