Chapter 1

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I pick up my office phone and dial a few numbers. "Hello. Mayor Swan-Mills office. May I help you?"  "This is Sheriff Swan-Mills. I'd like to speak to my wife please". "Yes ma'am. Please hold". "Yeah Whatever". I mumble to myself. A moment later I hear my wife's voice. "Hello dear. I was just thinking about you. How is your day my love". "It's shitty Gina. Really shitty. I'm in the worst mood". "Oh no. What's wrong sweetheart?"  "Everything. Today sucks. I knocked my coffee over. It spilt all over my desk so now it's a sticky mess. My police car broke down on the way to a robbery call over at the pharmacy. The thing is a piece of shit Regina". "I'm sorry your having such a bad day my love. We'll get together soon to go over your police budget so hopefully we can get you a few newer vehicles". "Fine. What time are you working till today?"  "I probably won't be home till about 6:30 dear. I have that meeting with the water department tonight". "Cancel it. I want you home at 5 sharp Regina". I say with a bite to my words. "I can't cancel Emma. It's almost the end of the fiscal year. I have to get this meeting done". "I don't care Regina. Postpone it. I want in our bed by 5pm. Do you understand me Madam Mayor. Don't make come down to that town hall and get you like last time".  "Emma please. I".  "Maybe I should just come get you now Madam Mayor. You know I don't like when you disobey me". "I'm sorry Papi. I'll be home at 5. I promise". "That's my girl. I love you baby". "I love you to Emma. I'll see you tonight". I hang up the phone with a smile on my face. This is a game we sometimes play. When one of us needs to blow off some steam we take it out on each other in the bedroom. It's mostly me being dominant over her because Gina says it's her release to be told what to do after telling others what to do all day. We don't get super crazy with the whole dom/sub thing. We don't go all 50 Shades of Grey but we both enjoy ourselves. I get home at 4:30 and I don't see Regina's car in our driveway. It's ok she still has time. I walk in the house and take off my jacket and hang it up. Then I take off my boots and walk up to the bedroom. I sit on the chair in our room and put my feet up on the ottoman, crossing one foot over the other. I take my phone out of my pocket and look at the time. Regina has 19 minutes to get home. I start to google new police vehicles that I may want the mayor to get for me. I get lost in the searches till I hear the sound of our front door opening and closing, bringing a smile to my face. I look at the time and it's 4:59. I hear her quickly running up the stairs and into the bedroom. Looking at the time again it's 5 o'clock on the dot. "Your lucky Madam Mayor. You made it just in time. I was beginning to think you stood me up". The tone of my voice is low and she looks at me and blushes. "I'm sorry Papi. I got a last minute call I had to take. I'd like to tell you about it".  "Later. Get undressed Regina. Now". She doesn't say another word and quickly starts to unbutton her blouse. "Slow down Regina. Give me a little show. I think I deserve it after you told me no earlier".  "She nods and stares me right in the eyes as she slowly moves from button to button. She untucks the blouse from her black pencil skirt so she can get all the buttons. She slowly turns around and looks at me over her shoulder as she unzipped her skirt and lets it fall to the floor. She's not wearing any panties, but she is wearing her black garter belt and stockings just like I like. She steps out of her skirt and turns to face me with a smirk on her face. "Do you like what you see Papi?"  The sultry tone of her voice along with the vision in front of me instantly gets my cock rock hard. "I don't remember you having that on when we left the house this morning Gina. Do you always keep those at work?"  "No. I came home from work at lunch to get it just for you. My love". I stand up and walk over to her. "You better not have walked around without panties on all day. I wouldn't want someone to accidentally see what's only for my eyes to see Madam Mayor". "Of course not Papi. I changed before I came home. I know who this belongs to". "That's right Gina you are mine. I better never find out that someone else has had what is mine". My voice is low and threatening as I speak into her ear. I see her shiver as I walk around her and put my hands on her waist. I move in close to her and the bulge in my pants is right against her ass. "Do you know what would happen Regina, if I found out someone had seen what is meant only for me?"  She nods. "Oh you do. Could it be this?"  I move my right hand back then quickly forward and smack her ass hard. She still has on her blouse that covers her ass a little so it wasn't skin on skin contact, but I'm sure it was still effective. "I hope you felt that Gina?"  I have to ask because when I smacked her ass she didn't make a sound. She knew better. That would just lead to more. I know she kinda likes it but less it's more sometimes. "Yes Papi". "Turn around and look at me Gina". She does as she's told. I grab hold of her blouse and pull her to me and give her a hard kiss. We break the kiss when air becomes a problem. "Take off your blouse and your bra. Then I want you to undress me". Again she does as she's told. Once we are both naked she stands in front of me waiting for her next command. "Rub my cock Regina". She smiles and gets to work. Her hand is so warm as she moves it up and down my shaft. She doesn't take her eyes off my eyes as she slowly jerks me off. "Why did you tell me no this afternoon Regina?  You knew I was having a shitty day and you completely dismissed me. Do you know how pissed off I got at that? Your lucky I didn't march right over to your office and fuck you hard on your desk so the whole building could hear you scream and moan and beg for more". "I'm sorry Papi. I didn't mean it. I love you". "If you really loved me Gina you would never put anything before me. I thought I was the most important person in you life". "Oh Papi you are".  "Move your hand off me Gina and back away". She has a surprised look on her face. "Emma I". "It's Papi to you Gina. Don't ever forget that". Her face is back to normal now that she knows I'm still playing our game. "Go stand at the foot of the bed Gina and hold on to the footboard". She does. I go to our nightstand and pull out some lubricant and rub it all over my cock. I walk over and stand behind her. "Take a step back and bend over a bit then widen your stance". She perfectly does and sticks her sweet ass out for me. I smack it again. Hard. She lets out a deep moan, so I smack the other cheek and I get the same result. "I shouldn't like that you are enjoying this but I do Gina". I give her one more good smack then I push my cock quickly inside her. "Hmmm. Fuck Papi". I don't move yet I give her a moment. "You want more Gina, Huh, are you ready Madam Mayor?"  "Please Papi. Yes". It's gonna be hard and rough, you still ready?"  "Yes Papi".  I slowly move back out of her then quickly thrust back in. I repeat this over and over. I'm holding tightly to her waist. She feels so good like always. I pull on her hair and lift her against my chest. "You disappointed me today Gina. I should be a bad Papi and not let you cum". I say as I pull her hair with one hand and swipe my fingers through her folds and over her sensitive clit making her body jerk. "Oh did you like that Madam Mayor? Perhaps I should do it again". So I do and I get the same reaction. "Oh god Papi. Yes".  I know she's so close, but I don't want her to cum yet. So I be an asshole and do it one more time then I stop all movements. Then I pull out of her pissing her off. "What the fuck Emma?"  I smack her ass hard again. "It's Papi. Don't make you remind you again". "Please forgive me Papi". "Get on the bed Gina". She moves quickly and lays in the middle of our king sized bed. I get on the bed and lay on top of her. "You were so close weren't you Madam Mayor?"  She nods. "Yes Papi". I move a bit and line up to her opening and slide right in. Regina closes her eyes and I can hear her hum. She wraps her legs around my waist and I start to thrust hard into her. "I guess I can let you cum this time. I'm not sure if you deserve it but I'm starting to feel better after this shitty day. Do you want to cum Gina baby?"  "Hmm, ahh huh. Yes soon. Please Papi. Please". "I love when you beg me Madam Mayor. Cum for me baby". A few more hard thrusts and I feel her walls squeeze around me and she begins to cum. I don't last much longer and cum while she does. I change my thrusts to slow pumps. Helping us ride out our orgasms. "Fuck babe. Fuck". I lay down half on her and half on the bed after I slowly pull out of her. We are both breathing heavy. "I love you Emma. I'm sorry you had a bad day. I hope this made up for it". "You bet it did babe. I love too so much. And thank you for making it home in time". I say with a little laugh and we just snuggle together for a bit. "Emma can we talk for a few minutes?"  Only if it's about food because we haven't had dinner yet and after all this I'm like Marvin". "I'm sorry dear but what?"  "I'm starvin' like Marvin. Haven't you heard of that?"  "As usual my love you always teach me something new". She says with a laugh. "But I really want to talk to you about that call I had before I left the office". "Ok babe shoot". "It was from the doctor. You know how I had that physical the other day?"  "Yes. Was everything ok?"  "Yes, well there was something unexpected in one of the blood tests and she wants to see me tomorrow for a retake". "Baby. What is it. It's it bad?"  I say with fear in my voice. She kisses my lips. "No sweetheart. No. Well it's not, depending how you look at it". "Ok babe. Now I'm fucking confused. What's up?"  "She thinks I may be pregnant Emma. And I really think I am as well". She has a big smile on her face. "Babe I thought you were on the pill, how did this happen?"  I sit up in the bed and she does the same. "Emma the pill isn't 100 percent effective. We fuck like bunnies. It was bound to happen". "Regina why didn't you tell me this was a possibility? We should have been safer. I'm no good for kids. What the fuck are we gonna do with a baby? Neither one of us had a good family life growing up. Your mother was a bitch and I was bounced around in the foster system my whole childhood. How can I be a good example? You'll probably be fine, but I've got nothing". I get out of bed and put my boxers and tank top on. "Emma why are you so upset? I thought you'd be happy that you and I could be having a baby. We are married Emma. Didn't you think this would eventually happen?"  I sit down on the bed and look at my wife, who now has covered herself with our bed sheet. "I really don't know Gina. I'm sorry I freaked out. I wasn't expecting this. I'm scared Regina. I don't wanna fuck up a kid babe". She moves closer to me and puts her arms around me as she sits behind me and kisses my shoulder. "Sweetheart. There is no way you could ever fuck up a child. You have so much love in you. Do you think I would have fallen in love with you or even married you if I didn't feel how much you love me?"  I shake my head no. "Regina I'm scared". I can't stop the tears falling from my eyes. "Regina what am I gonna do? Sure I had to take care of some of the babies in my foster homes but what if I".  "My love please just stop and take a breath. I may not even be pregnant, but if I am you will be fine I promise you". I shrug. "Come on Emma picture this, you and I holding hands the first time we get to see our baby on the ultrasound. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time knowing that this is a life that you and I created together. Our love made a baby". That thought made me smile. "A baby?"  "We will find out for sure tomorrow my love".  "What if we bought one of those home tests tonight?"  "You want to do this tonight?"  "Why not? We can go out and get something to eat then go to the pharmacy I don't want to wait till tomorrow Gina please". "Of course my love. Let's go take a shower first".

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