Chapter 30

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It was just about 10 minutes later when we heard a knock on the door. We all look. A woman walks in pushing a small baby crib. "I hope you have room for one more. Someone has been wanting to see his mommy".  Tears fall from Regina's eyes. "Oh my god Emma. Is it really him?"    "It sure is babe". The nurse looks at us and says. "The doctor said it would be ok for Henry to have some time with his family. Would you like to hold him Mrs. Swan-Mills?"   "Yes. Very much. Please".  She gently picks him up, walks over and lays him in Regina's arms. Zelena and I are just in awe of this beautiful moment. I quickly grab my phone and take a few pictures. "If you don't need me for anything, I can give you all some time to be alone".  "I think we'll be ok for a while". I say. "Ok. If you need anything use the nurse call button and if you need to get in touch with me you have the NICU number. I'll see you all in a little while". We smile and she leaves us. Regina kisses his forehead a few times. "Hello Henry. I'm so very happy to see you. We have been worried about you. I'm so glad you are doing better". As I sit on the hospital bed near Regina and I realize that I haven't heard a peep from Sammy or even from Zelena. I look over and see that the baby is sleeping and Zelena is crying. "You ok Z?"  I ask. She clears her throat. "Yes. Thank you. This is just a beautiful moment and I'm so glad I got to see it".   "Oh I can't believe it Emma. Is that my sister getting all weepy on us". Regina and I chuckle a bit. "Way to ruin a good moment you two. I can't help it. I know this is all you have ever wanted Regina and after everything mother has done to the both of us, mostly you, I'm so glad you were able to overcome so much". Now it's mine and Regina's turn to get a little weepy. "Ok. That's enough with all this seriousness. We have babies to enjoy and it's my turn. Regina I know this is your first time seeing him since he was born, but I still haven't held him yet. May I hold our son for a little while?"  "Of course my love".  She kisses his forehead and passes him to me. He's so light. I feel like I'm holding a pillow. I hold him close to me and he lets out a cute grunt. Regina and I smile at each other. His eyes open and I think he's looking at me. I hope he can see me. His eyes are a little dark with a dash of blue. "Hey kid. I'm daddy. I'm so glad you were able to visit us today. The nurse told us you've been so strong and the doctor said you are a fighter. You get that from mommy and me, and even your auntie Zelena. We've all to fight for everything we have in our lives. Growing up for us wasn't easy, but I promise you my son, we will all be there for everything you and your sister ever need. You both will be loved, you both will have all that you two ever need to grow into happy and healthy well adjusted human beings".  I really can't help the tears that fall from my eyes. I hold him close and give him a kiss then give him back to Regina. I'm getting a little to emotional and I need a moment of air. I give my wife a kiss and look at my daughter. "Regina. I'll be right back. I just need a second to get some air".  "Ok sweetheart. Take all the time you need". I smile and walk out of the room. I walk quickly to the nearest elevator and push the button to go down. When it finally opens I walk in and hit the button for the main level. I'm pacing the elevator. Good thing I'm alone. As soon as the doors open, I'm out like a flash. I sprint to the nearest exit. Once outside I walk over to an open grassy area and get down on my knees and just start crying. I think everything that has happened the last few days has finally caught up with me. After a few minutes I move from my knees to sit on my butt. It's mid October and the ground is a little cold but I don't care. I just need this moment to take in everything. I love my wife, our babies and our life and it's all so scary, but I wouldn't change anything. "Emma !!!"  I hear someone shout from afar. I look around and see Ruby and Belle rush over to me. "Emma. What's happened, is everything ok?"  I hug them both. "Yes. Everything is fine. I just got a little emotional from the lack of sleep. Everyone is doing very well.  What are you guys doing here?"   "Zelena called us first thing this morning and told us what was going on. So after breakfast we drove right down".  Ruby told me. "Wow. Thanks guys. You didn't have to do that. You could have just called".  "No way Ems. We wanna see the little munchkins".  "Ok then. Let's go meet my kids". They help me stand up and we walk into the hospital. On the elevator on the way up I'm not sure how many people Henry can come in contact with. When we get outside the ward where my wife's room is I stop and look at my friends. "Hey guys. Can you please wait here for a few minutes. I need to check if Henry can have more visitors. He's still underweight and I want what's best for him".  Belle hugs me. "Of course we will wait Emma. We also want what's best for those babies. We will wait as long as it takes".   "Thanks. I'll be back soon". I scan my bracelet and walk into the ward. I walk to the nurses station and talk to the nurse. I tell her that some friends are here to visit and that I wanted to check and if they are ok to see Henry. She told me that Carol, his NICU nurse just came to bring him back and that only parents are allowed in there. I was fine with that. I can just show them photos. The nurse said it was ok for them to visit Regina and Samantha so I walked back to let them in. I told them that Henry wasn't there, but they could meet Sammy. I walk us into Regina's room and she's breastfeeding our daughter. She's all covered up thank goodness. Ruby has always had comments about my wife's breasts. I know she does it to annoy me but I still don't want her seeing anything. Regina is so happy to see our best friends. Luckily the baby is finishing up eating and I made everyone turn around while Regina fixed herself. She's my wife and no one can see her but me. That's my rule. I take the baby from Regina and walk over to Belle and Ruby. "Sammy these are your aunties Ruby and Belle".  They both smile at her. They say a bunch of baby stuff to her and then Ruby reaches out to touch her so I slap her hand away. "No touching. Not till both of you wash your hands properly with hot water and soap. Then you must use hand sanitizer".  I hear Regina and Zelena giggle at me. "Ha ha ha. Laugh it up you two. I'm just trying to be responsible. This is my daughter here and we are in a hospital. Who knows how many germs they picked up along the way". Everyone shakes their heads but Ruby and Belle go wash their hands and then use the sanitizer from the hands free pump in the room. Ruby holds her hands up. "Ok. I'm all clean, may I please hold that baby now?"   "That baby has a name. This is Samantha, or Sammy".  Regina interrupts me. "Emma will you please let Ruby hold our daughter now. Your acting nuts my love. Give her to Ruby and come over and hold me. I've missed you". I smile at my wife but I also give Ruby the evil eye. "When I give her to you you better go sit down on that little loveseat over in the corner". I hear from Regina again. "Emmaaaaa !!"  I hand my daughter off and watch closely. Ruby does as she's told and goes to sit. "Emma". Regina says reaching out to me. I go lounge next to my wife and hold her in my arms. We watch as Ruby, Belle and Zelena fawn all over our daughter. Regina and I are so comfortable that we both fall asleep quickly. I don't know how long I was asleep.  I look around and I don't see anyone else in the room. I get nervous. I slowly move out of the bed, trying not to wake my wife. Once I'm out of bed I look around. I leave the room and go directly to the nurses station. "Where is my daughter?"  I ask with fear in my voice. "She's right here Emma. She's in the nursery. Your friends said you and Regina fell asleep and one of them came to us to to take Samantha back here. They also said that there is a note for you both in the room". I let out a big breath. "Ok. Thank you. Can I see my daughter please?"   "Of course. Let's go". We walk to the door, she puts her thumb up on the scanner and we walk in. I see my daughter sleeping and I finally feel a little at ease. "Would you like to hold her?"   "I would, but I don't want to wake her. I'll have time with her soon. Thank you for letting me see her".  "Not a problem". We walk out of the room and I go back to see my wife. Regina is still sleeping. I look around and find the note the nurse said that was left for us. I read it and it's obvious to me Zelena wrote it. "Hey bitches. You and my sister are so boring. I can't believe you fell asleep on us. Anyway. My darling niece is back in the nursery and Ruby, Belle and I have gone to check in at a hotel. Love you both. We will call you soon". I shake my head when I finish reading the note. I swear, Zelena is crazy. Anyway, I step out in the hallway and call her. I asked if they've got a room somewhere yet and she said no. I told her that if they don't mind they can share mine and Regina's room at the hotel we are staying at. They all agreed and I told them I would be there soon. I definitely need a shower and a change of clothes. I also want to get Regina some clothes also. I felt bad that I woke her but I didn't just want to leave and not tell her. I kissed her before I left. I had a car service pick me up and take me back to the hotel when I met up with Zelena, Ruby and Belle.

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