Chapter 21

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When Ruby finished her shift she came to the station so I could apologize. I told her that I hadn't eaten and I've been a little frustrated at home. She forgave me. We hugged and then she left after I promised to never do that again. A couple hours into my shift, I've completed all the paperwork for the day so I decided to go on patrol then stop at home for something to eat. It's 8:30 so Regina is probably taking her bath. I walk into the house and it's quiet. I head to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. When I'm done I put everything away, grab a soda, some chips and sit down at the island. Halfway through my sandwich Regina came walking into the kitchen. "Hello Emma".  "Hey".  She takes the apple juice out of the fridge and poured a glass then came over and sat next to me. I finished my sandwich, took a drink of my soda and looked at my wife. "I think I owe you an explanation about last night".  "I agree".  "I want to start off by apologizing. I've been a little moody lately and last night was totally uncalled for. I was definitely irresponsible and I'm disappointed in myself.  I have been feeling a little frustrated. I know it's only been a few days but we've never gone days without sex before. I just see you and I go crazy. I want you so bad and I can't right now. I know your not ready and I don't want to hurt you and I'm not blaming you. My mind can understand but my body doesn't and I guess last night was my stupid way of letting out some frustration. I am really sorry that you had to see me like that". She takes a drink of her apple juice and looks at me. "So you got incredibly drunk last night because we haven't had sex?"   "I know it's stupid Regina but this is all on me".  "Ok. So is this how its going to be till I have the baby?"  "No Regina. I promise. That was a one time thing".  "Good because I'm telling you this right now Emma. I will not raise a child in that type of environment. Alcohol has never been an issue before so I believe when you say you won't do that again".  "Thank you Regina".  "So, what do we do now Emma?"   "I don't know babe. I really don't".   "Emma what if we can't go back to the sex life we had before. Nothing rough or hard or fast any more. Can you handle a vanilla type of sex life?" I put an arm around my wife and kiss her. "Babe, as long as I am with you I am happy. It's wasn't just the sex Regina. It was all the intimacy that went along with it. Knowing that you liked what I was doing. Hearing all the sounds of pleasure you were making. That felt good, and I don't just mean in a sexual way. It made me happy because I knew at least I can can make you feel something that I hope no one else can do". She smiles at me as I see her eyes start to water up. "Oh Emma. I didn't even think about all that. I was upset because I was thinking you couldn't live without sex, but when you say it all like that, so open and honest, I can some what understand how you may be feeling and I'm sorry I wasn't able to notice how you were feeling before. I'm not sure when we can go back to what we did before, but I promise I'll try to always make you feel everything you just described to me".  "I love you Regina".  "And I love you sweetheart".  We kiss and hold each other for a little while. I look at my watch and it's a little after 9 o'clock. "Babe. I'm sorry. I have to go back to work".  She nods her head and leans back.  "What time are you working till tonight?"   "I should be able to leave around 11 or so".   "Good. I don't like to sleep unless you are next to me". I give her a kiss and then put my plate in the sink and the chips back in the cabinet. I took the last drink of my soda and put the Can in the recycling bin. I kiss my wife once more and I go back to work.

It's been 3 weeks since my drunken night out and I haven't touched a drop of alcohol. Not because I'm afraid of getting that drunk again, I just want Regina to know that my focus is on her and our baby. Things have been going pretty well for us. Regina hasn't had any morning sickness, which I know she is happy about. We've even managed to have sex a few times. Regina is the one calling all the shots in bed. I let her take complete control and so far things have been fine. She says she's a little sore after but it's nothing like before. Today is Saturday and Regina and I both have the weekend off and we are sleeping in today. I wake up holding my wife in my arms. I'm the big spoon so I kiss her exposed shoulder and hold her tighter but gently. I look at the clock. It's 11:21am and I'm hungry but I'm so comfortable and I don't want to get out of bed. I few minutes later Regina starts to move a bit and she rolls over into her back. Another moment later she opens her eyes and smiles at me. "Mornin' babe".  "Good morning sweetheart". She rolls over to face me. She gives me a kiss and snuggles in close to me. I kiss the top of her head. "Did you sleep well babe?"  She nods her head yes. I smile. "You wanna get out of bed now?"  "She shakes her head no. I smile again and chuckle a bit. "Ok babe. We can stay here as long as you want".  She lifts her head up to look at me and she gives me a kiss, then puts her head back down. After about an hour of just holding each other quietly Regina lifts her head and looks me in the eyes. "I'm hungry". She says to me. "Wanna get up and make something?"   "No. I want to go out".  "Ok babe we can do whatever you want". We slowly got out of bed and we took a shower, then we got dressed and headed out the door.  We drove up to the beach because Regina wanted some fresh seafood. On the drive up she googled what was safe to eat while pregnant. We went to a nice restaurant that's right on the Newburry Port harbor. Called Michael's Harborside.  We sat out on their outdoor patio. It was a beautiful day out today. It's late June so it's not that hot out. We both ordered frozen virgin piña coladas. (That's no alcohol in case anyone was wondering. Lol )   We shared a jumbo shrimp cocktail as the appetizer then for dinner Regina got shrimp & scallops over a mushroom risotto and I got a surf and turf with steak tips and fried shrimp with sweet potato fries.  Everything was absolutely delicious and so fresh. "You've been a little quiet my love, is everything ok?"   "Everything is better than ok babe. I was just thinking how nice this is. Sitting out here with you enjoying a lovely dinner. The view to my left is beautiful but the view right in front of me is even better". She blushes a bit and gives me a little smile. "We've had a tough few months and just being here is so relaxing. We need more times like these".  "I couldn't agree more darling. It is summertime. We should schedule a vacation".  "Definitely babe. The sooner the better".  I paid for our dinner, left a nice tip and my wife and I left, but we promised each other we'd be back before the end of the summer. When we got back into town we stopped at the ice cream shop for dessert. When we finally got into bed I looked at my wife and leaned in to kiss her. "Thanks for today babe".   "And I thank you my love". We kissed again and then said good night.

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