Chapter 5

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I hear Regina's alarm going off and I don't want to wake up just yet. I love the feeling of my wife in my arms. She moves to turn off the clock and turns in my arms. We smile at each other and share a kiss. "Good morning my love. I hope you slept well".  "Never better baby". I kiss her again. "Time to get up and start the day dear".  "I'll go start your coffee while you go take a shower". I get out of bed and put on a some boxers and a tank top. "Your not going to shower with me this morning?"   "Not yet. I don't have to work today so I'm gonna try to get some more sleep. Someone wore me out last night". I say with a smile. She lets out a sigh and says. "Ok. Thanks for making my coffee. I'll be out soon". She seems so disappointed. I walk over to her and gently grab her arm as she's walking towards the bathroom. "Gina wait. I'm sorry. I know this isn't a joke. I screwed up badly yesterday and I put you in a terrible position and I'm so sorry for that, and I understand that it's going to take time for you to work this out as far as my suspension and whatever happens with Glass".  "Thank you for saying that Emma. I'm going to take a shower ok".  "You know, I wouldn't mind taking a shower now if you really wanted the company". She gives me a little smile. "I really would".  I kiss her and we both walk into the bathroom. After we shower and brush our teeth Regina gets dressed in her work clothes and I put on some sweatpants and tank top then we go down stairs and eat breakfast together. "So what's your plan for today dear?"  "We I thought. I'd do some laundry first to get that out of the way. We definitely need our sheets changed". I chuckle a little and she gives me a look. "You have a few suits that you said you wanted to drop off at the dry cleaners so I'll do that. Then I'll call the guy from that pool company we use and make an appointment for them to come check out our pool and see what it needs to be open soon. The weather has been so nice. Hopefully we can start using the pool again".  "Wow. When did you think of all that?"  "Yesterday when I came home. I had a lot of time to think sitting there on the couch with the ice pack.  What do you have today babe?"   "I have to figure out how to handle the Glass situation. You may have to be suspended for at least a week Emma. I'm sorry". She looks so sad and I take her in my arms. "Baby it's more than ok. I messed up. This is all on me. I never should have acted like that. I'll take what ever the Mayor hands down as my punishment". She gives me a small smirk. "Well that's a different turn of events isn't it. You taking the punishment I give". We both laugh. "Well yes babe I guess it is. This could be fun. Maybe you could take some time off and really show me how bad I was". She just shakes her head with a smile. "We will see my love". She gets up from the kitchen island and takes our plates to the sink. She makes some coffee in her togo cup and then walks back over to me. "Sorry my love. I have to leave now". She gives me a kiss and starts to walk out but stops and turns around. "Oh sweetheart?"  "Yeah babe".  "Don't forget to do the dishes". She says laughing as she walks off. "Ya ya ya. I love you too". I shout out before the front door closes.  I let out a happy sigh. Damn I love that woman. While I'm folding the first load of laundry I hear a knock at the door. I stop folding and go see who it is. I open the door and it's my senior deputy David Nolan. He's a good good guy. Always there when you need him. "Hey Davey what's up, miss me already?"  It's just a joke but he's not laughing. "What's going on David?"  "I'm really sorry Sheriff but I have a warrant for your arrest".  "What, Seriously?"   "Yeah. I'm sorry. Sydney Glass pressed charges against you for assault".  "Oh my god. Are you fucking kidding me?"  "No Emma I'm sorry I'm not". I'm still in my sweats and tank top. "David can I please get dressed first. I'd rather not walk into the station like this".  "Sure".  "Thanks. Have a seat in the living room if you'd like. I'll be back in a few minutes". He nods and I run upstairs. That little fuck. I'm gonna get him. I think to myself. I get dressed in some jeans and a Henley shirt and my normal boots. I grab my phone off the nightstand and call Regina. "Hello dear are you bored yet?"  "No babe. I'm actually pissed off. I'm getting arrested".  "WHAT!!"  She yells into the phone. "Yeah babe. That prick Glass is pressing charges".  "Oh Emma. You have to be kidding me".  "Nope. David is downstairs. He let me get dressed before taking me in".  "It's ok my love. I'll call my sister she can help us".  "Zelena. What is she gonna do? She works for the DA and I'm like her least favorite person in the world".  "She will help you because I asked her to. She knows I love you".  "Thank you babe. I have to get going. I don't want David to think I slipped out on him".  "It's ok my love I'll see you soon".  "Oh hey Regina, can you come bail me out later". I chuckle a little. I never thought I'd say those words to my wife. "Of course dear. Call me when you are ready".  "Thanks babe. I love you".  "And I love you Emma".  I end the call and head downstairs and find David folding my clothes. "Sorry. I hope you don't mind. I didn't want them to get wrinkled. I don't think the Mayor would like that".  "Your right, but you didn't have to do that".  "It's ok boss. I'm just glad it was sheets and blankets and not intimate apparel". He says with a laugh. If he only knew what's happened on those sheets. I think with a smile. "Well thanks anyway. I'm ready whenever you are". He stands from the couch and walks over to me and I turn and put my hands behind my back. "I'm not going to cuff you Emma".  "That's part of your job David".  "Do you plan on resisting or running?"  "No".  "Then I'm not cuffing you. Let's go".  "Thanks Davey. Your a good man". We drive over to the station and walk in and everyone turns to look at me. We walk into my, well now David's office and sit down. We go over a few things. I'll have to be booked, finger printed and photographed. This sucks. If I get charged will a felony I can never work in law enforcement again. I won't be able to vote. Fucking Sydney Glass. David personally takes me through all the steps, but instead of locking me in a cell he put me in an interview room. Which I was grateful for. About and hour later I hear heels clicking against the linoleum floor and right away I know it's my wife which makes me smile. The room I'm in is right next to the bull pen, that's what we call the spot where all the deputies desks are. The clicking stops and I hear in a bitchy voice. "Where the hell is my wife. I want to see her now". She's loud so I know everyone out there is scrambling around. I can't help but laugh. I hear some talking, but not the words. A few moments later the door opens and Regina steps in. I get up and go to her and hug her. She puts her hands on my face and looks at me. It looks like she's been crying. Her eyes are red. "Are you ok my love?"  "I'm fine babe. It's funny, I haven't been arrested since I was like 16, but this is definitely the best experience I've had after being arrested". I see a tear fall. "Baby what's wrong. Why are you crying?"  She shakes her head and leans into me and I hold her tight. "What is it Regina. What's happened?"  It takes a few minutes to get an answer but she finally starts to speak. "I called my sister and it seems that she is the one who convinced Glass to press charges. I'm sorry Emma. I'm so sorry". She says as more tears fall. I knew she didn't like me, but this is crazy. I don't care what she does to me but she's hurting her sister. Zelena is definitely like their mother. "Baby it's ok. Everything is going to be fine. The deputies took statements from everyone and so did you for your report. I'll just get a good lawyer babe. If he wants to come at me for assault, I'll go after him for a hate crime for what we said. He called us sick Regina. David and I were talking about this. He gave me the name of a civil rights attorney in our area and I've already called her . I'll be ok babe". I kiss her lips and she falls into my arms again and I hold her tight. I'm holding her for a few minutes and there is a knock at the door. Regina moves to stand next to me but I don't let her go. "Stay here in my arms baby. It's ok. Come in".  The door opens and it's David. "I'm sorry Emma. Your lawyer is here".  "Thanks David. Send her in". Regina looks at me. " I'll be ok babe". I kiss her and then the lawyer walks in. "Good afternoon ladies. I'm Cathy Geary". She holds out her hand to us and we both shake it. "Hey. I'm Emma and this is my wife Regina. Thank you for coming".  "How could I not. Once you told me everything that happened I went to my partners at the firm and they jumped all over this. A beloved Sheriff who's wife is the Mayor and are victims of a hate crime. Every news outlet will be here in no time".  "Whoa, lady hang on. We don't want that. We just want this to end as fast as possible. Yes I punched him. I'll pay for his hospital bills but that's it. We just want this done. Fast".  "It's ok. I understand this is a small town. I'm sure this could be resolved quickly. That's why I took this case. My partners at the firm wanted to drag this out and get the media here. I wouldn't want that and I knew you wouldn't either. So here I am. How about we sit and talk". Regina and I nod and we sit at the table. We sat and talked for what seemed like hours. When we were done I was taken over to the courthouse for a hearing. I stood before the judge as the charges were read assault and battery and assault with intent to do bodily harm. Fuck those are serious charges. If convicted I could go to jail for months maybe even years. Plus get a fine of 2 thousand dollars or more. My lawyer told me to plead not guilty, so I did. I didn't want to hurt him. I was just pissed off. My bail was 5 thousand dollars cash or bond.  Regina went right out to the cashier and paid the bail and I was released. Regina drives us home and the drive is silent. I'm so pissed off and disappointed in myself at the same time. We pull in the driveway and I get out before she turns off the engine. I walk around to open her door and grab her things as we walk into the house together. I go to the kitchen and put her purse and her briefcase on the island and I turn around to to open the refrigerator. "Want something to drink babe?"  "A glass of wine would be nice. Thank you".  I take out her wine and a beer for me. I get her and wine glass and pour her some and slide her glass over. "Thanks you dear".   "Welcome babe". I put the bottle of wine back in the refrigerator then open the freezer and get my bottle of fireball. I go to the cabinet and take out a rocks glass and pour some fireball in and down it quickly. Then I open my beer and start drinking that. "Emma my love. Please take it easy".  "Sorry babe. I'm just feeling a little frustrated right now. I can believe this is happening, and why would your sister convince Glass to press charges?"  "My mother. She's the one that wants you in jail. She thinks that with you gone I'll divorce you and do wants she wants. I'm sorry Emma. I wish she would just leave us alone. We are happy and in love why can't she see that?"  She starts to cry and I walk over and hold her.  "It's going to be ok sweetheart. Once my lawyer gets in contact with Glass and he finds out we're going after him for a hate crime and that he could go to jail for a very long time , I'm sure he'll change his mind quickly".  "You really think so?"  "Yup. I really do. Now let's get something to eat I'm starving". She nods and we order some take out from Granny's.

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