New Asgard

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Five years had passed since the death of Loki. A lot had happened since then. I gave birth to a beautiful son, who I named Loki, in honor of his father. Half of the universe was wiped out by Thanos, and I went to live with Jane, who I told everything to.

As soon as I heard of a New Asgard here on earth, I went there with Loki Jr. We came to the entrance of New Asgard, and were greeted by a girl who I recognized from the Ragnarok. She was fighting alongside Thor and Loki. She was the last of the Valkyrie.

"Hey, I remember you." She came up to me. "You're Melissa. And who is this little guy?" She asked me, as she bent down to look at my five year old son.

"This is Loki Jr." She went quiet, knowing the significance of that name.

"I'm sorry about Loki." She stood up again to face me.

"It's fine." I say, although, I never really got over his death. Sometimes I woke up in a pool of my own sweat, remembering that day, when I witnessed the love of my life die. "Could you take me to Thor?" I asked her. She nodded and took us to a house at the center of New Asgard.

"You're lucky, this is one of the few days he's sober." She grinned lightly and left us standing at the front door. I took a deep breath and then walked in with Loki Jr.

The first thing I saw was Thor, I think, passed out on the couch. He had grown out his hair after it had been cut. It was now it's regular length, but with a beard matching it. His stomach had become...rather large.

"Who's that?" Loki Jr. who had been silent until now, pointed his finger at Thor.

Thor shook awake and stood up to see us standing there. "Melissa. Is that you?" His big booming voice shook the whole house as he came over and hugged me. "And who is this?" He asked me while staring at Loki Jr. below him.

"Thor, meet Loki Jr. And Loki Jr. meet Thor, your uncle."

"Uncle?" Thor asked me. I nodded. "And you named him Loki?" He started to cry, probably remembering Loki.

"You guys can stay here for as long as you want. There is a house that's empty right next to mine." Thor offered.

"Thank you." I tear up slightly. We'd love to stay.

~After Endgame~

Thor left New Asgard to fight Thanos once again to defeat him. The Avengers ended up victorious and brought back everyone that Thanos had killed, with the exception of two of the Avengers who died in the process. Rest in peace.

Things were good in New Asgard. Thor had left to discover the galaxy with an intergalactic police of sorts. I think they called themselves the guardians of the galaxy. And I had opened myself up to new love. I started dating an Asgardian by the name of Surt. He was a complete gentlemen, and even though I could never get over the loss of Loki, I had to find love again. I had to let myself find love again.

But make no mistake, some part of my heart will always belong to the god of mischief.

Saving LokiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora