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It had been a little while since Thor left Asgard. Loki continued his charade as Odin, and I let him. I knew I shouldn't, but there was peace in Asgard, and me and Loki were together. It was just perfect.

Loki put on a weekly play of his death. A little over the top for me, but hey, I'm not the king here. This week was just like any other week, where me and Loki would watch the play and his subjects stood behind us. Just as the play had finished with Loki on the floor, dying, I heard something from behind me.

(The following dialog is taken directly from Thor Ragnarok, it is not my own.)

Thor was standing there, in front of Loki. He didn't see me. "Father." Thor spoke to Loki, I don't know if he knew it was Loki or not.

"Oh shit." I hear Loki put down his glass and say under his breath. Oh shit is right, he's caught. I watch, as the scene continues to unfold. "My son Thor has returned. Greetings my boy." Loki tries to continue the charade. Nice save. I say sarcastically to myself.

"It's an interesting play, what's it called?" Thor walks slightly towards the stage as Loki sits back down, thinking that he was safe.

"A tragedy of Loki of Asgard. The people wanted to commemorate him." Thor continues walking around Loki. He knows, he knows, oh man he knows. 

"Ah, indeed they should." Thor now stops and faces Loki. "I like the statue. A lot better looking than when he was alive. A little less weaselly, less greasy, maybe." Now Thor was toying with him. Loki just laughed, trying to keep up the charade.

"Do you know what this is?" Thor holds up a thing with horns on it. I'm not quite sure what it is.

"Ooh, the skull of Surtr." Loki begins to say. "That's a formidable weapon." Loki chuckles.

"Do me a favor, lock this away in the vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet." He says coolly. Loki turns to me and gives me a slight grin. He looks a bit afraid.

"Thank you dear." Loki says as he hands someone his drink. "So, it's um, back to Midgard for you, is it?" Loki tries to keep his cool.

"Nope." Thor tosses his hammer into the air and catches it. "I've been having this reoccurring dream lately. Every night I see Asgard falling to ruins."

Loki stands up and walks over to Thor. "That's just a silly dream. Signs of an over active imagination." I notice that Loki starts to fiddle with his hands a little. He's nervous, as Thor continues to toss his hammer up and down.

"Possibly." Thor says. "But then I decided to go out there and investigate, and what do I find, but the nine realms, completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise. All while you, Odin, the protector of those nine realms, is sitting here, in your bathrobe, eating grapes." Oh, he definitely knows. Thor would never say that to his father.

"Yes well it is best to respect our neighbor's freedom." I notice Loki growing more nervous by the minute. I continue to watch, intensely.

"Yes, of course. The freedom to be massacred." Thor throws his hammer to the side of Loki, where I am standing, as a warning shot. It almost hits me, but stops and returns to Thor's hand. I still don't think he noticed me.

"Yes, well I've been rather busy myself." Loki waves his hand in the direction of the stage. 

Thor had moved closer to Loki now. "Watching theater?"

"Well, board meetings, and security counsel meetings." Do they even have those on Asgard?

"Are you really gonna make me do this?" Thor looks at Loki.

"Do what?" Loki tries to play dumb.

Thor throws his hammer really far into the distance, and moves into position behind Loki. Now I'm the one who's nervous, biting me nails. Loki looks at me. 

"You know that nothing will stop Mjolnir, as it returns to my hand. Not even your face." Thor holds Loki's next from behind. I gasp loudly, as do most people in the crowd.

"You've gone quite mad. You-you will be executed for this." There's fear in Loki's voice as he sees Mjolnir returning to it's master's hand.

"I'll see you on the other side...brother." Loki, move, MOVE. I scream to myself.

"Alright I yield." Loki says as his appearance changes back to his own, handsome, form, and he moves out of the way. I let out a huge sigh of relief, and everyone gasps at the imposter. The hammer returns to Thor's hand.

"Behold." Scurge, the keeper of the Bifrost says gasping for air. Presumably, he ran here. "Thor, Odinson-" Loki snaps and has an exasperated look on his face.

"No, no. You had one job." Loki is now turned around to face Scurge. "Just the one." Scurge tries to explain, but Loki turns around to Thor.

"Where's Odin?" Thor starts to say.

"You just couldn't stay away could you?" Oh no, he's about to pick a fight with the god of thunder. "Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering, you've ruined everything. Awesome."

Thor starts to walk towards Loki, and Loki starts to walk backwards as well, towards my direction. "Where's Father?" Thor asks again. "Did you kill him?"

"You had what you wanted. You had the independence you asked for. Oof." Thor puts his hammer on Loki's chest as Loki sat back on the couch.

(Actual Ragnarok content ends here. The rest is my own.)

I run up to Thor and put my hands on his chest to defend Loki. Just as I had when me and Loki had first started to get to know each other. Thor saw my face and his eyes widened. "Kaitlyn?" He embraced me in a big hug, crushing me under all his weight. "I almost forgot you were here."

He sets me down and I help Loki up, giving him a big hug. He pulls away from the hug, and looks at me. Then he suddenly pulls me into a tight kiss and wraps his hand around my waist.

"Excuse me." Thor clears his throat as we pull out of our kiss. "Wait, so you two both knew about this? And you are together? Oh by Odin's beard." Thor exclaims. "You knew about this, Kaitlyn?"

I shamefully nod my head at his question. "No matter. Anyway, you need to take me to Odin." He had now focused his attention on Loki.

"Fine." Loki says reluctantly.

I look up at Loki, eyes wide. He looks at me sympathetically. "I'll be back before you know it." He says to me and pulls me into one last kiss. I watch them leave. He'll be back. He always comes back. Right?

(Here is the original scene from Thor Ragnarok, where the dialogue above was taken from.)

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