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(Loki's P.O.V)

It's been almost two days since Thor had to carry Kaitlyn out of my cell. No one had visited me since then to tell me how she was doing. I was in so much pain. By the end of the two days, I had broken every piece of furniture in my cell. Was she okay? What had happened to her? I couldn't stand letting these thoughts roam around in my mind.

I hear a noise coming from the hallway and I look to see what it is. It's Thor. He walks up to you, looking sad. Oh no, what had happened to Kaitlyn? "Loki." He began to say. I sat quietly in the corner, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "Kaitlyn has fallen ill by your magic. It looks as though it might be fatal." He doesn't even look at me, only the floor below him.

I stand up at the word ill and walk to the front of the cell where the electric field was keeping me in. "You have to let me see her." I say, sounding eager.

"You know I can't let you do that Loki." I pound my hands against the electric wall out of anger. I keep doing this until I can't anymore. Thor had just stood there, watching me.

"Please. You have to let me see her. Maybe I could save her." I say despair in my eyes.

"I can't risk letting you escape. Not while Malekith is threatening Asgard. He says to me.

"Please, brother, please. I will go in chains, I will not escape, just please let me see her." I plead on my knees. Thor looks at me and then starts to walk away. "I love her Thor. If this were Jane, you would do anything for her. How is this any different? She's Jane's sister, and I love her." I say again. Thor stops and turns to face me.

"Alright, but it's going to be on my conditions." He says to me.

"Yes, yes." I say relieved. "Anything you say. I just want to see her.

He comes to the entrance of my cell with ten guards. He walks in and chains me by my hands and feet, and drags me to Kaitlyn's room.

As soon as I walk in I notice Jane by Kaitlyn's side. She stands up and walks over to Thor as soon as she sees me.

"What is he doing here?" She sounds half annoyed, and half mad. She gives me a look that could kill. "You know, I oughta give him a good slap in the face after what he did to my sister. She actually leans in to slap me, but Thor takes her hand before she can and whispers to her.

"Just watch." He says to Jane as I walk over to the bed where Kaitlyn is lying unconscious. About ten guards follow behind me to make sure I don't escape. But I don't care, all I'm focused on is Kaitlyn. I sit next to her on the bed, still bound by my chains. I lift my hand up to stroke her forehead.

"Kaitlyn." I whisper softly into her ear. She wakes up, slowly opening her eyes.

"Loki." She says croaking.

"I'm so sorry that I did this to you. I didn't mean to. I was just upset and hurt." I play with her hair as she smiles slightly.

"I know." She replies in a whispered tone. "I don't blame you. How could I? You're too cute." We both chuckle slightly at her remark.

"I don't ever want to leave your side." I say to her, not caring if the whole room heard. "I love you!" I tell her for the first time. Her pale, sick face brightens a little at those words.

"I love you, too." She tells me. I grab her face and kiss her. We are still kissing as I hear Jane say something to Thor.

"Wait, Loki and my sister?" Thor smiles and nods at her question. ""

"Long story." He says, probably thinking back to the last 2 weeks previous events.

I break away from our kiss and reach my hand out above her chest. Green beams of light flow from her body to me hand. I am taking back the magic that is infecting her. Since she was mortal, a few more days with unprotected, raw magic inside her could've killed her.

She lets out a big breath of air as I take the last of the magic. The light disappears. I give her one last kiss and then get up to leave. Thor told me I could see her, and save her, but that was it. I feel her cold fingers wrap around my arm and pull me back to her.

"Stay." She says to me with the sweetest look on her face. I look at Thor and give him an expectant look. He nods to me and leaves the room with Jane. The guards stay, but as as far as I'm concerned, I am alone with Kaitlyn. I just stay with her as she sleeps, soon falling asleep along side her. 

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