Chapter thirty two

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Ever since they got in the car it was filled with a silence not an awkward one but a comfortable silence neither had been able to take the smile off there face when they heard the news.
"A little boy"
She said finally breaking the silence.
"We are having a little baby boy Stephen"
She said again as she turned her head and looked at her husband who was concentrating on the road but took a second to look back at her and smile.
"I can't believe it honestly I thought it was going to be a little girl but I'm so excited that it's a little boy."
She took a hold of his free hand and squeezed it trying her best to hold her excitement in but she was failing.

Once they got home she immediately began phoning friends and family to tell them all the news. Stephen heard a familiar scream come through the phone and instantly recognised it as Sasha and bayley.
""Oh my god!! A nephew we are going to have a little nephew we are so happy for you two!"
They shouted down the phone as Becky held it far away from her face to stop herself from becoming deaf.

As this was going on he walked outside and closed the door as he sat in the back garden and began making calls of his own. After what seemed like eternity he was finally finished once he'd told Seth. a name in his contact's quickly caught his eye as his thumb began hovering over the call button next to Finns name. The man who was once considered a brother he went back forth and forth trying to decide wether or not to call his former friend until a pair of arms slowly made there way around his neck as Becky hugged him from behind.
"You really want to call him don't you?"
He sighed as he brought her around and sat on top of his lap.
"I do but everything's changed he's not that same guy anymore becks.
"I know I miss him too Stephen but he's made his choices and we've got our stuff to deal with. So cheer up and let's celebrate we are having a a son in five months time you big dope"
He laughed as they shared a kiss and retreated back inside for the rest of the night.

The couple arrived at the arena an hour before the show started. Stephen was starting to hate Monday's with all the stuff that was currently going on in his life. He tried his best to stop Becky coming but she refused to listen he knew better than to argue with her so he finally gave in and allowed her to come as long as she stayed in there locker room with there friends where she should be safe.
"I just think it would be best for you and our son to stay at home where I know you are safe"
Becky rolled her eyes as they made there way into the locker room.
"Stephen we've had this conversation ten times since we woke up this morning and nothing has changed my mind. We are here now and will be staying here until you are done so stop and just relax okay?"
Sasha and bayley could feel the tension as they quickly made there way to Becky to congratulate her and to stop them from arguing.
"Just please keep an eye on her okay?"
He said to them both as he quickly kissed Becky and left to find out what torture triple h was putting him through tonight.

The show began and Stephen made his way out on to the ramp as triple h began his usual boring opening promo.
"Let's just cut the crap hunter tell me what hoop I'm jumping through tonight so I can get out of here"
Triple h and Finn stood in the ring staring at Stephen. Triple h had a smug expression on his face as he began to speak again.
"Not so fast Taylor don't you want to make sure your wife is okay first?"
Stephen began looking irate at the man in the ring as he mentioned his wife. He began marching down to the ring only to be stopped by triple h's words.
"Stop right there Taylor I suggest you take a look at the titantron up there."
Stephen slowly turned around as live footage began playing of people surrounding someone on the floor. Stephens eyes began widening as the cameras zoomed in on the face revealing Becky who seemed to be bleeding. A pair of boots appeared next to her lifeless body and the camera slowly looked up to reveal lars Sullivan. Stephen quickly dropped the microphone and began sprinting back to Becky. Meanwhile in ring Finn had a look of disgust on his face as he pulled triple h around to face him.
"What the hell was that ?? You're going too far"
Triple h looked bemused at his words.
"Are you kidding me Balor this is what you signed up for you wanted to be champion this is the price you pay"
"Screw You"
Was all Finn replied with as he slammed the microphone into triple h's chest and left the ring leaving the crowd looking confused.
Stephen finally made his way to the back as paramedics surrounded Becky and began wheeling her away when he caught up to her.
"What happened why is she bleeding ?? She's pregnant please tell me they're both going to be okay"
He said as tears slowly made there way down his face.
"We aren't sure mr Taylor we just need to get her to the hospital right away"
He climbed into the back of the ambulance with her as the doors slammed shut. He took a hold of her hand and gently kissed it. Everything around him slowly became silent as he concentrated fully on Becky and there unborn son praying and hoping for the best possible outcome.

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