Chapter twenty five

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Stephen stood in disbelief at the woman standing in front of the him and Becky. There was a silence for a few minutes before he approached her and gave her a friendly hug. Becky looked on trying her best not to be jealous at her husband hugging a random woman she's never seen or heard of before. She quickly cleared her throat as Stephen and amy turned around to her Stephen quickly  realising  the awkward silence  that was going on decided to introduce both women as he approached Becky and put his arm around her waist and faced amy.
"Amy this is my wife Rebecca. Rebecca this is amy styles"
Becky looked up at Stephen unsure if she'd heard him right or not before he nodded his head at her.
"This is aj's little sister"
She looked between the two shocked at this revelation.
"I had no idea Aj had a little sister"
She said as she looked at amy quickly being able to see the resemblance.
"Yeah he's done a good job of keeping me quiet not a lot of people know about it except close friends of the family like this big goof"
She said as she playfully punched Stephens arm.
"Well at least you've got better hair than him"
Becky said as the three started laughing which was soon interrupted by Aj.
"Amy ?? What the hell are you doing here?"
He said whilst approaching  her and bringing her into a hug.
"It's good to see you again too Alan"
She replied as the two of them walked away into the living room area.
Becky quickly turned to Stephen.
"So whats  her story ?"
She said looking up at him whilst he watched the siblings walk away before finally turning to face his wife.
"I'll tell you later once everyone's gone you're probably not going to like it "
He said gritting his teeth. Becky quickly rolled her eyes at his comments.
"Is she going to be a problem ? Cause I'll rip her arm off right now"
Becky began walking towards the living room until Stephen grabbed her arm and brought her into him and planted his lips on her for a deep passionate kiss.
"I'll tell you later love I promise just enjoy the rest of your night."
She nodded her head in response as they walked back into the party hand in hand.

A few fours later everyone had gone home a few friends crashed in there home in some spare bedroom since they weren't in a sober enough state to drive themselves home. Becky was laying in bed on her phone scrolling through Twitter reading all the fans supportive messages for the couple wishing for them to return back to the ring soon. This brought a tear to Becky's eye knowing she wouldn't be wrestling anytime soon but it was happy tears as she placed a loving hand on her stomach and a smile appeared on her face as she thought of the reason why she'd be out for so long. Stephen made his way into the bedroom from the bathroom drying his hair with a towel as he saw Becky on the bed staring lovingly at her still small bump.
"My two favourite people right there"
She looked up and smiled at his words before patting the empty side of the bed motioning for him to join her in the bed. He quickly got in as he wrapped his arm around Becky as she melted into him whilst placing his free hand on her stomach.
"Aren't you scared ?"
He said breaking the silence as she looked up at him confused.
"Scared of what ?"
"This little one in here"
He said chuckling
"Am I scared of our unborn child ? No why would I be"
She replied  laughing  at his comments.
"I'm scared it's a big thing having a child the sleepless night, feeding them,changing them. We are literally seven months away from the biggest responsibility in the world. Plus I hear childbirth is painful"
He said poking fun at her
"Yeah thank for reminding me you big dope. I'm also going to get very fat and lose my abs"
She said as she pouted.
"Yeah but you'll still look beautiful to me and it'll be worth it in the end to get our little monster in this world"
She nodded in agreement as she stretched  up and gave him a quick kiss.
"Now tell me about Amy and why I shouldn't rip her arm off"
He laughed at her comment as he sighed before beginning to speak.
"I met Aj in Japan when he replaced Finn in bullet club. Again he was like another older brother for me except  this one hasn't betrayed me yet"
Becky could see the hurt in his eyes as he thought about Finn .
"Anyway we got along great and he took me under his wing. At this point I wasn't a teenager anymore I was well known but he taught me a lot. One day he introduced me to Amy she was wrestling at the time too for shimmer I don't know if she still wrestlers anymore but she was good at it but she's always had her problems with rejection. We hung out a lot together me and Amy when Aj wasn't around and you know by now I wasn't really interested in dating anyone or anything serious I just wanted to live my life stress free while I was still young with Toni obviously being the exception but that's a story for another day. Anyway one day we were in my hotel room in Japan talking away and she put her hand on my thigh and I got uncomfortable so I jumped up and moved away and she was confused she thought that's what I wanted she thought I wanted to be with her but I told her no I wasn't interested in her that way I just wanted to be friends. She didn't take it well she trashed my hotel room and she smashed a glare off my forehead which is why I have this"
Stephen pointed towards the small dent that was visible on his forehead. Becky laid  there in silence for a few minutes taking in the story before she eventually looked up at Stephen who was deep in thought. She gently placed her hand on his chin and pulled his face down towards hers.
"She sounds crazy Stephen"
He shook his head
"I don't know what she is Becky but I haven't seen her since that night Aj hasn't spoken about her since that night. So I don't know why she's here I don't know what her plans are but I hope they don't involve me."
Becky's facial expression soon changed from neutral to angry.
"I swear to god I'll rip her arm off if she tries anything like that. Pregnant or not I'm not losing you again"
"Woah easy there Becky balboa"
He replied as he wrapped her up in a tight but gentle hug.
"I don't want anyone else I've got you and this little one. That's all I need"
He kissed her forehead as the couple laid in silence before eventually drifting away to sleep.

The next morning Stephen woke up and gently lifted Becky off of him and placed  her on to her own pillow as he  slowly got out of bed and stretched and put on some shorts before heading off downstairs to make his wife some breakfast. Once he'd finished preparing it and making both of them coffee he placed the tray on the kitchen counter when he felt a hand on his back he quickly turned around startled and came face to face with Amy.
"Woah big guy easy it's just me. I didn't know you scared easily"
He rolled his eyes playfully as he folded his arms in front  of his chest.
"Damn you've been working out a lot more since Japan huh"
She chuckled nervously. Before her eyes met Stephens icy glare.
"Why are you here amy why now ? Why my home ? Why didn't you tell anyone ? And how did you get my address?"
"Okay what question do you want answered first?"
She laughed hoping to lighten the mood but he continued starring at her.
"Okay listen I'm sorry about what happened in Japan but that was a long time ago Stephen  I've changed I've been going to counselling since then I've gotten better. I just wanted to come see my brother and old friends"
"That's it ?"
He replied his stare  becoming more gentle"
"That's it I promise you"
He uncrossed his arms as he grabbed the tray.
"Good. Well it's been good seeing you again amy"
He smiled at her as he walked past her.
She watched him the whole way as a smirk began forming on her face.
"Yeah it's good seeing you again too Stephen"

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