Chapter sixteen

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The next morning
Stephen woke up with a splitting headache. He slowly sat up and began rubbing his already messy hair and at his face. Just then Toni walked in wearing his shirt.
"Morning lazy"
Stephen panicked and looked back forth between himself and Toni
"Oh my god please tell me we didn't"
She laughed at how worried he was getting.
"No of course Not I know we got drunk but you're a married man Stephen  I would never do that"
He blew a sigh of relief
"Thank god. I mean no offence you're a beautiful woman Toni but despite the troubles I still love my wife and I want things to get fixed even though they're looking beyond fixable at this point ."
She rolled her eyes playfully at him.
"I understand just relax. I hope you two sort things it's really nice seeing you you have settled down and don't say that I'm sure it'll work out."
He smiled at her as he made his way too the bathroom to freshen up.
Once he was finished he re entered the living room area where Toni was sat on the couch.
"Where am I anyway ? I know we are in Florida but who's house is this ??"
Toni laughed.
"You really were drunk last night huh. This is my place I offered to let you stay here after we left the bar last night"
He sat down beside her as she put her phone down.
"What're you going to do about Becky and Seth ?"
"Well Sunday I'm going to kick Seth's head off and win the mixed match challenge with you and maybe afterwards try and speak to Rebecca. I don't know if I'm ready yet but I feel horrible avoiding her"
She placed a hand on his shoulder
"If you love each other I'm sure you'll make it work"
He smiled at her
"Thanks Toni. So what's the plans for today ?"
"Well I was thinking about heading for some coffee and then the performance centre afterwards. Would you like to join me ?"
He smiled at her
"I'd like that"

An hour later the duo arrived at the performance centre and after greeting and speaking to friends for a few moments they headed towards the ring.
Stephen sat in the middle and began stretching before someone rolled him up onto his back
He flipped over and came extremely close face to face with Toni. They stopped for a moment and just dazed into one another's eyes before snapping out of it and heading to separate corners of the ring.
"Want to roll around a little with me ?"
Stephen chuckled
"Let's do it"

Stephen arrived at the arena ready for the PPV with Toni. They went right to Stephens locker room where they were greeted by Finn and bayley.
"Hey where's Sasha ?"
Bayley shrugged
"I don't know she's not arrived yet. Anyway are you two excited for the finals tonight"
Toni and Stephen looked at one another and smiled.
"Honestly I just can't wait to get my hands on Seth. Get a little payback on the son of a-"
"Woah big man chill"
The four of them looked at the door as Sasha arrived and greeted all of them with hugs.
"Remember Seth isn't the only one out there tonight Stephen"
"I know. Don't be too rough on Becky Toni please"
Toni nodded but Sasha scoffed.
"Stephen she's just as to blame for this as Seth"
"Enough Sasha. She's still my wife and we don't know if anything happened yet only Seth and Becky do"
"Then why did she lie"
"I don't know"
Stephen shouted which startled the group.
"I'm sorry Sasha but I don't want to talk about this right now. Me and Becky will talk about all of this soon together and we will decide what's best for us. Wether that's staying together or if it means we-"
Stephen stopped as he couldn't bring himself to say it.
"Let's just focus on the match okay ? One thing at a time"
Stephen nodded at Toni's words.

A few hours later.
The match was about to begin Stephen and Toni stood in the ring across from Seth and Becky. Stephen stared at Seth a cold hard look but that soon softened when he locked eyes with his wife. Everything he'd been blocking out the last couple hours came rushing back to him. All the memories the moments they've shared together. He quickly shook his head to snap himself out of it and watched as Seth placed his arm around her and they smiled at each other. This was his breaking point. He quickly charged at Seth and Began throwing punch after punch towards Seth who returned the punches. Eventually the referee and the girls were able to separate the men as they kept shouting profanities towards one another.
They were ushered to on the apron so the ladies could begin.

25 minutes later
The crowd were going crazy for this match 25 minutes of wrestling gold with a little bit of chaos from Stephen and Seth. Toni and Becky were the legal competitors Seth was outside the ring leaning on the barricade Stephen charged at him as he ran right though the middle ropes and crashed right into Seth taking both men out. In the ring Toni got distracted by all the chaos on the outside this was enough for Becky to take advantage. She quickly grabbed Toni's arms and locked in the disarmher Toni held on for as long as she could but Becky yanked her arm back further and further before Toni eventually had to tap out due to the pain. Stephen pulled Toni out of the ring and helped her too the back. Becky watched them hoping he'd look back and check on her but he never did.
She got back too her locker room and got changed quickly once she was done she grabbed her bags and went looking for Stephen. She reached catering and stopped and gasped she saw Stephen and Toni together at a table she had her hand on his shoulder. Becky didn't want to watch anymore she quickly ran to her car so she could get back too her room.

Stephens pov
I got Toni back through the curtain were Sasha Finn and bayley approached us and congratulated us on a good match even though we lost. We never spoke we nodded and hugged them and made our way to a table in Catering and sat down.
"How's the arm ?"
I asked her concerned by the pain she was in.
"It'll be okay once I ice it she doesn't go easy with that thing does she?"
She laughed.
"She's dedicated to her job. Wish she was about her marriage. "
Toni placed her hand on my shoulder as we locked eyes.
"Stephen Cmon she loves you you need to go speak too her as soon as possible the longer you leave it the worse this situation will get"
I nodded she was right. Before I was about to reply something caught my eye I turned quickly but nothing was there I was sure I seen someone standing watching us. I hoped to god it wasn't Becky.

Becky arrived at her hotel room and closed the door. She threw her case to the floor and sat on the edge of her bed. The tears immediately escaped as she began crying uncontrollably. She looked down at her wedding ring. She slowly took it off and placed it on the bedside table.
"I guess that's it over then"

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