Chapter twenty seven

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Sunday January 26th 2020

Becky arrived at the arena  that was hosting the royal rumble alone . Stephen was still under suspension and although she wanted him with her she knew she had to announce her departure from the company for the time being at some point. She walked through the crowded and loud hallways with a gentle but protective hand placed her on stomach she still wasn't showing yet but she wanted to let people know without saying a word her reason for being there tonight.

She stood outside the women's locker room for a minute to compose herself before she took and deep breath and walked in. She was instantly greeted by everyone inside who individually hugged her and welcomed  her back including Sasha and bayley who already knew her reason for being here tonight.
"So how's the husband?"
Natalya asked as Becky sat down between her and Beth while everyone else gathered around the three women to listen to Becky.
"He's really good yeah. He's taking the suspension really well considering how much he misses  the ring and now that he has another reason to stay at home"
Everyone except bayley and Sasha looked her confused for a moment until Becky gently placed her hand on her stomach the rest of the women instantly clicked on an started screaming and shouting in excitement. One by one they congratulated her and gave her hug.
"You two knew about  this didn't you"
Natalya said as she pointed towards bayley and Sasha who just smiled uncontrollably and nodded there heads.
"Well we are all happy for you Becky and give our best to Stephen"
Becky nodded her head as she gave them all one last hug and thank you Before exiting the room to prepare for her speech.

She quickly left the room and made her way towards the curtain when she collided with someone. She clenched her teeth in slight pain before she looked up and caught the eyes of Finn balor. She looked at him in disgust before she tried to walk past  him until he grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her back to face him.
"Get your damn hands of me finn"
He rolled his eyes at her comment as he folded his arms and looked at her.
"Cmon becks I've known you majority of your life don't be like that"
She scoffed and narrowed her eyes at the man she once considered family.
"No Finn let me stop you right there we were family but you ruined that yourself. You turned your back on me and Stephen for that"
She began pointing at the title around his waist.
"Becky Cmon I had no ch-"
She instantly put her hand up to cut him off.
"You had a choice Finn and you made the wrong one. I hope that makes you happy cause you lost family over it"
The duo stood in silence for a moment before they heard a voice behind Finn.
"Is there a problem here? "
They looked behind Finn to see Seth standing with arms folded. Finn rolled his eyes at Seth and began walking past him when there shoulders collided.
"Yeah real cute Balor keep that belt warm for me tonight cause when I win the rumble I'm coming for you"
Seth immediately turned towards Becky and they shared a friendly hug.
"How're you two doing?"
Becky smiled as she replied.
"Me and Stephen are good thanks Seth I'll let him know you were asking"
Seth laughed slightly.
"I meant you and the little one but I'm glad Taylor's doing well despite his bs suspension still going on."
Becky nodded her head as she replied.
"Well this little one here is doing great for mama so far I probably won't be saying that in six months time though"
The duo laughed as Becky held on to her stomach before telling Seth she had to go speak to the crowd. They hugged once more before going there separate ways.

She stood still at the curtain ready to see the audience for the first time in months and she wasn't expecting the reception she was about to get. Her music hit and the crowd erupted for her. She stood on top of the ramp as the crowd sang her song the whole walk to the ring. She stood in the ring taking it all in as the crowd continued to get louder and louder with there chants for her.
"It's true what they say absence does make the heart grow fonder and I have missed you guys. Now I know I have been awol for a while and the women's division has gone to hell since the man left but there's a reason for that and well that reason is"
Becky stopped for a moment to try and compose herself as she felt herself getting emotional.
"This is the reason right here"
She said as she placed her hand on top of her stomach at first the crowd gasped but then started cheering wildly for her which only made her more emotional.
"I promise this isn't the end for the man Becky Lynch I will be back and I will once again sit on top of the women's division"
She dropped the microphone as the crowd continued chanting for her and began a thank you Becky chant.

as she walked through the Curtain she was applauded and congratulated by fellow workers. Before she came face to face with triple h.
"Enjoy your time off with your husband Becky"
"I'll be seeing you real soon hunter don't worry"
She said as she patted his back and smiled  at him as the smirk on his face quickly disappeared whilst  she walked past him.

A few hours later
The men's royal rumble was coming to a close as Seth and roman stood in the ring together after starting off the match. There was only one more person to enter and as the fans began chanting it distracted roman who looked around the arena at the fans counting down when Seth ran up behind him and threw him over the top rope and eliminated him.
"It's just business roman"
Seth shouted as he kneeled down in the ring waiting for his final opponent. The buzzer went and the lights went off immediately and for a few moments the arena was in darkness complete silence apart from a few screams from different fans. Suddenly the lights came on and the crowd went crazy Seth saw a pair of boots in front of him as he slowly began looking up at the mystery man and caught the eyes of none other than Stephen Taylor.
"I'm sorry"
He mouthed to Seth as his foot connected with the side of Seth's head. He slowly picked him up and the crowd got louder and louder and began screaming and celebrating as he dumped  Seth's body over the ropes and on to the floor. The bell rang and his music began playing as he sunk to his knees in the ring the crowd were deafening as they drowned out his music.
Suddenly his attention was drawn to the top of the stage as triple h and Finn stood and watched.  triple h looked enraged as he took of his jacket and threw it down on the ground. Stephen stood at the ropes and smiled as he pointed towards Finn and then towards the wrestlemania sign.

The road to wrestlemania has finally begun and despite  all the obstacles and setbacks he'd endured over the last few months Stephen had booked his ticket to the main event of wrestlemania.

Unknown to him at  the time it was going to be full of drama and complete chaos.....

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