Chapter thirty one

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Becky kept eye contact with Stephen for as long as she could until finally the car pulled out of the parking lot and she lost sight with him. Her vision soon became blurry because of the tears. She had frantically tried her best to get the door open but it wasn't going to work and she admitted defeat. For most of the journey she stared at the floor refusing to make eye contact with her two friends who were sat in the front. Sasha and bayley both took turns checking up on her in the rear view mirror but her position never changed she remained  sobbing with her head in her hands facing the floor  of the car.

The car finally pulled up outside there hotel for tonight Sasha and bayley slowly got out and opened her door when she didn't move they approached her and kneeled down in front of her. Eventually her tear stained broken eyes finally looked up from the ground and locked eyes with bayley and Sasha. No words were spoken as both women engulfed her in a tight but loving hug not wanting to let her go until she finally spoke for the first time since leaving him behind.
"He's going to be okay isn't he ?"
She asked with a slightly hopeful look on her face. Sasha and bayley looked between one another Unsure of what to say before bayley eventually though of one.
"Of course he is becks he's one of the toughest people I know. He will be back for you and the little one"
Sasha didn't speak she just smiled and nodded along to bayley's words as they helped Becky out of the car and and into there room for the night.

An hour later Becky emerged from her shower and sat down on the edge of the bed while Sasha and bayley watched her from behind as she put on the tv and started quickly going through the channels.
"Shouldn't we stop her from watching raw ? Who knows what's going to happen to Stephen she doesn't need to see this"
Sasha nodded
"I agree you should go stop her"
Bayley quickly crossed her arms and looked at Sasha confused
"Why me?"
"Because if she wanted to fight someone I'd be the one to help her out. Face it bayley you're the nice one you're better at this than me"
Bayley sighed she knew Sasha was right.
"Okay but if she kicks off you better back me up"
Sasha smiled
"Of course. Now go get her hugger"
Bayley slowly and cautiously approached Becky and sat down beside her on the edge of the bed she watched her friend for a few seconds as she concentrated on the tv screen waiting for raw to come back on.
"Hey becks me and Sasha were talking and we think it's a bad idea for you to watch raw"
There was no reply as Becky continued staring at the screen she didn't even acknowledge her friend at all. Then the show finally came back on and Becky let out a gasp. Bayley's eyes quickly darted too the screen as she saw Stephen being held by triple h's goons while Seth seth stood in front of him with the sledgehammer.
"What the hell is that idiot doing now"
Sasha said as she sat down next to them and put her arms around Becky who couldn't watch. All three began looking at the floor as Seth began his run up the three then rose to there feet quickly as they heard a cheer coming from the tv screen and saw Seth attacking everyone but Stephen with the sledgehammer.

An hour had passed since raw finished Becky hadn't stopped pacing back and forth in the room whilst Sasha and bayley sat on the bed watching her.
"Still no response from Stephen or Seth becks but I'll keep trying"
Bayley said as she put her phone down when they heard a knock on the door. The three women all looked at one another before Becky made her way towards it. She opened it and gasped as she saw Seth holding Stephen up on the other side. She studied his face for a moment and was immediately drawn towards the dark black eye that had already formed on his face. She didn't move for what seemed like eternity as she tried to figure out what the best move would be. On one had she wanted to scream and shout at him for forcing her and there unborn child to leave him there on his own. On the other hand she just wanted to smother him in love and affection because she was just happy and grateful he came back to her thanks to seth. Luckily for her she the choice wasn't hard in the end as her heart choose for her and she immediately engulfed him into a tight until she heard him groan slightly and loosened her grip.
"Don't let go becks I really need this right now"
That's all he had to say as he tightened her grip again never wanting to let him go. When they did break apart she looked into his eyes and planted a long last kiss on his lips not caring that there friends were right behind them.
"Don't ever put us through that again you idiot"
He smiled at her as he just nodded in response. When she was finally able to take her eyes off Stephen she turned around and faced Seth she approached him and instantly wrapped him up into a hug as well.
"Thank you for saving him for us we owe you one big time Seth"
She said quietly but loud enough for him to hear while some tears gently relaxed on to his shirt.
"Happy to help Becky"
He replied and gently rubbed her back whilst Stephen Sasha and bayley smiled gently at the two.

A few days had passed since that eventful Monday Stephen was in the kitchen making lunch when Becky finally joined him downstairs. She had been extra clingy lately and he knew why. She was really scared of what might happen to him Monday and it made him realise he had to be smarter about this whole problem with triple h and his goons. In the past he didn't have anyone but himself so he didn't care what he did but now he had a family of his own and couldn't take these stupid risks anymore. He was eventually brought out of his thoughts as Becky stood in front of him clicking her fingers.
"Hey big guy are you ready to go?"
He replied looking confused.
"Yeah it's time another checkup on this one"
She said placing her hand on her bump.
"We also get to find out if we are having a little boy or girl"
Stephen started rubbing at his eyes in shock.
"Has it been four months already?"
He questioned her.
"Yeah it's flew by hasn't it. But the next five will probably drag in. Come let's go I'm excited to find out"
She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door as they set off.

The couple sat in the waiting room anxiously waiting for there name to be called. Becky had began to notice he was zoning out a lot the last few days.
"Hey are you okay?"
She asked whilst taking a hold of his hand as Becky locked eyes with his still visible black one.
"Yeah I'm fine just been a crazy few days hasn't it"
She leaned her head on to his shoulder as he put his arm around her.
"At least you aren't alone now you've got Seth you need to watch each other's  backs"
He didn't reply he just nodded.
"Mr and Mrs Taylor?"
They both looked up as the nurse motioned for them to follow her. Stephen  began walking until he felt Becky pull him back.
"I love you"
She said as she planted a kiss on his lips.
"I love you too"
He replied after they broke up apart and began following the nurse.
Well Mr  and Mrs Taylor the baby is perfectly fine and healthy. The both smiled at one another happy to hear the good news.
"Would you like to know they gender?"
He asked as they both looked at one another unable to hold there excitement.
"Yes please"
Becky finally replied
"Well from the looks of this I would say you're having a-"

Had to leave you guys on a cliffhanger sorry🙃 but I hope you enjoyed this chapter 🤙🏼💚

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