Chapter three

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Becky hadn't  taken her eyes off of Stephen since the doctor spoke. A few  minutes had now passed without a response when Charlotte finally nudged Becky and woke her from her trance. Becky looked around the room and at the doctor and Charlotte confused by her surroundings for a few seconds until she remembered what was said.
"What do you mean the possibility he won't wake up doctor ? He's going to wake up I know he is"
Becky's tone became unintentionally aggressive Charlotte noticed this and placed her hand on Becky's shoulder to calm her down.
"Ms Quinn please we are just saying it's been almost two months and no sign of Improvement we just wanted to discuss the possibility that-"
"Discuss what ?? That he may be dead well he's not okay he's going to be fine so stop being so negative"
Becky began shouting and the tears then started flowing as she sank too the floor and brought her knees up to her face as she let it all out. Charlotte crouched down and put her arms around her best friend trying her best to comfort her but she knew despite   her best attempts only one thing in this world would make her happy again and unfortunately he was laying in the bed next too them in a coma.
Becky began to calm down again as she slowly got up on too her feet and took another look at Stephen and began wiping her tears away.
"Cmon becks lets get you home for the night the hospital  will keep us updated."
Becky nodded and reluctantly headed off back home with Charlotte.

The next day
Becky woke up early with a purpose today she was going to do something to try and help take her mind off the last few months she promised herself she'd visit Stephen later on but this morning she was going to do the only other thing she still enjoyed doing. CrossFit. Becky entered her regular gym in La and was instantly greeted by her trainer josh who immediately brought her into a tight hug.
"Great to have you back becks"
Becky didn't respond she just smiled and made her way throughout the whole gym using every piece of equipment possible.

*a couple hours later*
Becky was finishing up in the gym with some weights she slowly raised them above her head  but felt her feet losing grip below her quickly this wasn't going to end well for her. The weights were instantly lifted away from her. This was some serious deja vu for Becky she'd experienced this exact same moment months ago with Stephen. It couldn't be could it ? A smile quickly appeared on Becky's face but it disappeared as soon as she turned around as it wasn't the man she hoped it would be it was only Seth Rollins.
"Woah becks be careful with the weights"
"Yeah thanks for the advice Seth"
Becky began walking away from Seth when he grabbed her arm and pulled her back she instantly yanked her arm out of his grip.
"Why does it seem like you're avoiding me after yesterday Becky?"
Becky chuckled sarcastically.
"You know not everything god damn thing is about you seth. In case you've forgotten about yesterday my boyfriend-"
Seth instantly cut her off
"Yeah your boyfriends fighting for his life I'm aware Becky he is  my friend"
"Then what the hell was yesterday about Seth? The flowers the look you gave me What was all that"
Seth responded with silence. If there was anyone in the gym they'd notice the tension between the two. when they finally made eye contact it was as if that argument they just had never happened and just like yesterday Becky and Seth again got lost looking into each other's eyes and started slowly moving closer to one another not taking there eyes off the other. Until they were interrupted by Becky's phone ringing and Becky was instantly snapped out of her trance.
" hello"
"Ms Quinn we need you to get too the hospital as soon as possible please"
Becky didn't respond she quickly hung up and raced out of the gym not giving Seth a chance to ask what was going on.
Becky raced into the hospital and sprinted towards Stephens room and burst through the door with high hopes but those hopes were quickly dashed when she noticed Stephen was in the same Position as last night.
"Ms Quinn we've got good news" Becky's eyes widened in anticipation.
"It's only minor but mr Taylor has improved slightly and has began breathing on his own. I know it's only little but it's an Improvement"
Becky instantly brought her two hands up too her face to try and compose herself that was the best news she'd had in a long time. She quickly kneeled  down beside his bed and grabbed his hand.
"Baby steps big guy this is great news"
Once Becky had finished speaking she felt a slight squeeze from Stephens hand. She looked up at the doctor shocked.
"Stephen if you can hear me please squeeze my hand"
Becky and the doctor waited a few moments and when it seemed like nothing was going to happen she felt the squeeze again only this time it was a stronger grip than last time.

A few hours had passed since Becky felt Stephen squeeze her hand the doctor had told her that it was an even more significant development that he could hear and respond too her in a way. Becky hadn't  been able to take the smile off her face the last couple hours. She looked out the window day dreaming with high hopes that this was going to be the beginning of good things.
"That view out there can't be as good as the one I'm seeing from in here"
Becky's eyes widened  instantly and she began shaking as she recognised that Scottish accent instantly . She slowly turned around and saw him slightly sitting up in the bed with his one visible eye slightly open.
"Stephen?" Becky questioned.
"Hey beautiful"

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