Chapter nine

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A couple weeks later Stephen and Becky were on there honeymoon in Hawaii enjoying what little time they had left together they both knew it wouldn't be long before Becky had to head back to wwe.
Currently the couple were still in bed asleep that wasn't going to last much longer.
Becky slowly began waking up and stretching in bed she made her way to the edge of the bed where she sat for a moment thinking over how crazy her life has been for the last few months.
It wasn't long before she felt some arms slowly make there way around her waist and a head nuzzle it's way in the space Between her neck and her shoulder.
"Good morning sleepy"
Stephen chuckled
"It's always a good morning waking up to you mrs Taylor"
Becky melted a little hearing those words 'mrs Taylor' she couldn't believe this had all happened, a few months ago she wasn't even sure if Stephen was going to wake up and now she was married to him.
"Is this a dream becks ?"
Stephen questioned knocking Becky out of her daydream.
"Is what a dream Stephen?"
She turned her head slightly so that she was facing him.
"Are you really my wife ? Did that really happen cause this is the stuff that only happens in dreams"
Becky thought for a moment before she gently pinched Stephens arm.
"Ow becks What the hell"
Becky started giggling uncontrollably
"Now you know it's not a dream you dope"
She immediately jumped off the bed and ran as Stephen chased after her around there room eventually catching her.
She placed her arms around his neck as he put his hands under her thighs and picked her up
" so what're the plans for today mrs Taylor"
She smiled up at him
"I'll never get sick of hearing that. And I dunno but right now I need a shower"
She jumped down out of his grasp and made her way too the shower she stopped just before she reached the door and turned around and looked at him
"Well aren't you going to join me?"
She winked at him and preceded into the bathroom
"Don't need to ask me twice"
He shouted and sprinted into the bathroom.

An hour later the couple were laying on the beach relaxing
"Who's big idea was it for a ginger Irish woman and a pale Scotsman to honeymoon in a warm country ?"
Becky laughed at Stephen
"We aren't going to get a tan becks we are going to be cooked to a crisp"
She rolled her eyes at him playfully before taking his hand and leading him too the water.
She immediately jumped on the tall Scots back as they entered the water and began messing around playfully.
Once they had finished they slowly made there way back to where they left there things on the beach. Becky began slowing down as a family of three caught her eye she stood and watched as Stephen walked ahead unaware that she stopped. He turned around and approached  her and noticed where she was looking he kissed the side of her head gently.
"One day becks don't worry"
"Can't wait"
She said as she looked up at him and smiled.
It was now night time in Hawaii and Stephen  and Becky were sitting down for some food at a local restaurant. He pulled her chair out for her and gently pushed her in when she sat down. The waiter came and took the couples orders and brought them some drinks they raised there glasses and toasted to a long and happy marriage. The couple sat and chatted about everything and anything while they waited on there food which was brought out rather quickly.
Eventually the conversation reached a topic Becky wasn't interested in speaking about.
"Hey have you any idea what was up with Seth at the wedding ? He drank a lot Seemed like something was on his mind"
Becky instantly dropped her fork  on  her plate  at the mention of Seth's name. Stephen looked up at her concerned he grabbed her hand quickly and shook it trying to Get her attention . She eventually looked up at him with a guilty look on her face.
"Becks what's up ?"
She took a deep breath before confessing.
"There's something you should know. At our wedding Seth told me he was in love with me and he kissed me"
She looked up from the floor and looked into Stephens  eyes and she saw the rage building.
Surprisingly he didn't say anything he got up from his seat left some money for the bill and headed back too there hotel room.
Becky tried her best to keep up with him and repeatedly shouted Stephens name but she got no response.
She entered the room a few minutes after Stephen and looked around the room and spotted him out on the balcony staring at the view.
She slowly approached him from behind she placed her arms around his waist and laid her head against his back.
"Are you mad at me?"
He sighed still not turning around to face her.
"I'm not mad at you becks just annoyed, you should've told me this at the wedding. I'm pissed at Seth and when I see him I'll be having words with him."
"Please no fighting"
Stephen didn't reply and Becky didn't like that.
"I just want to be alone right now Becks please"
Becky was hurt by his words but she understood she slowly unraveled her arms from around his waist.
"Goodnight I love you"
Again no response which hurt more than the last time. She quickly went to the bedroom and got changed she never imagined her honeymoon would end like this.

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