Chapter Two- Liberty

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The first period bell rang. I walked along with my best friend, Ann, and her mate Caleb. Ann and I had all our classes together except for two; math and science. My first class was English, second was geology, third was science, fourth math, Lunch, fifth gym, sixth history, seventh shifting, and eighth was free.

"So, you're turning 16 soon, when's your party?!"

Ann was not shy. I wasn't either really. But she didn't care about asking about anything really. No filter, she called it.

"Well, Saturday I think."

"I'll help you plan and everything Libby!"

I smiled grimly. This would be fun. Not. She'd have me in a dress and everything.

"You think your mate will be there?"

I couldn't help it, but my nose scrunched up. It did that when I was irritated.

"I hope not!"

When a werehorse turned 16, they would be able to find their mates. But I had no interest in finding mine. Everyone in school knew I didn't want a mate.


"Well I told you, I don't want a mate."

She nodded. She knew how I felt.

"But.....what if he shows...?"

I paused. I'd actually never thought about this.

"Well.... I don't know what I'll do."

I spoke the sentence quietly, then we entered first period.

At lunch Caleb, Ann and I set our trays down. I got my favorite side; sugar cubes. Call me horsey, but mostly every horse shifter loved sugar cubes, apples, and carrots. From our horse side you could say.

"So Lib, are you excited for Saturday?"

I looked up at Caleb a bit startled. My thoughts had wandered.

"Uh, not really. My parents are going out so us 'teens' can have a party."

Mom and dad were hoping that once I found my mate I would lose my anti-mate opinion. So they were leaving the house. They did, however, leave my brothers. I was glad. They also said anyone could come. So yeah.

Today was Friday, so my party was tomorrow. Joy. Everyone was to come at around 5 ish. Ann was staying the night so tomorrow she could do my hair, make up and stuff me into a dress and all that. I was excited however, I was turning 16 after all. I was just worried my mate would show. I didn't want to see him, have him like me, if he actually wanted me, then Id have to tell him I didn't want a mate. I didn't want to have to do that. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Later in my sixth class, we learned about lost shifters. Lost Shifters was when a shifter ran away and became their animal form for an extended amount of time.

They could still shift back when they wanted, but they usually didn't. They became used to their animal form and don't want to face the problems of the human world. It was extremely hard to coax a lost shifter back. But not impossible.

However, if a shifter became feral, it meant that they wanted to completely give up their human form. Never turn human again. They became animals. Yet still could communicate and understand humans. But never become humans themselves. Bringing a feral shifter back was so far impossible. No one knew how to bring a feral shifter back to human conscience.

There were few who had ever become lost. And even fewer who ever became feral.

All this intrigued me. For once, I liked this subject. It was really cool. But after that was over and the lesson moved on on to wars, my mind wandered. I really hoped my mate didn't show to my party. I had no idea what I would do. Then there was the matter of drunk, horny, guys. I snorted. I'd punch them or something. Maybe have Sam protect me. Yeah, that'd work.

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