15. Kicks

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17 Weeks
Rocki's POV:
I've never walked into the school and been so noticed like this before. Every single pair of eyes is looking my way, fleeting glances surround me and I feel like everyone is a wall that's slowly closing in on me. Every now and then I get a derogatory comment about my body and I get called an awful name I would not like to speak of, but it's not the insults that are the bad part, people are always insulting me, it's the people who don't see me the same anymore, who are now scared to prey on me. Worse than that, Jackson is probably getting stared at too, but he's not used to the constant ridicule, and I know he wants to stay strong for me, but I just don't know how much he'll be able to handle. It's all my fault too, this could've been a secret for weeks longer if I had just kept my mouth shut. I'm thinking about this while my name gets called ok the loudspeaker to go to the Principal's office. I hear snickers as I stand up from my desk and leave my literature class. I make it to the office, and seeing as Jackson is already there, I sit down in a vacant seat next to him. "Hello you two, I have called you down here today due to recent....happenings and rumors around social media recently about both of you." The principal says awkwardly fidgeting with his sleeves. "Can you be more specific?" I ask innocently, even though I know exactly what he's talking about. "Well....there have been some.....uh.....suspicions around.......well.....you being......well....impregnated with........um.....Jackson's child." The principal stutters out his face turning a bright red. It takes everything in me to not laugh at this mess of a man, but I hold it together. "Yes sir, I'm pregnant and Jackson is the father." I say calmly. He knods, "Very well then, this needed to be a piece of information the school knows for.......uh.......health reasons, so you'll have to fill out these forms," The principal says handing us a packet of documents, "And if you need any help with.......uh.....well.....anything around the......uh.....school that is than you can feel free to.....um.....contact me." The principal says with a smile and Jackson and I thank him and leave the room. "Oh boy, that was something." I say giggling as I look at Jackson, but he just gives me a weak smile. "What's wrong?" I ask him. He tries to shrug it off as nothing and gives me another fake smile but his face just looks so dead. "Jackson." I say turning him to face me with my hand. "I'll tell you at home." He says faking another smile and kissing me on the forehead.

Jackson's POV:
I'm so happy that I have this baby, Rocki, and most of my family, but because of this news coming out I've lost a lot of friends, and that makes me think about how Grandpa Danny left without giving us approval, and how I haven't talked to him since. He said horrible things about Rocki and I, but he's still my Grandfather and I still miss him from all the good times. Im scared to tell Rocki that though because I know she only remembers him from that one moment where he was being horrible. After we get home from school Rocki lays down next to me in bed and asks me what's wrong for the 116th time since this morning. I tell her timidly about Grandpa Danny and she, to my surprise, knods understandingly and pulls me into a hug. "I know," She says pulling out a book from her bag, "Lets look up some baby names to take your mind off of it." She says the book already open as she starts to read them off, "Michelle, Marina, Raelynn, Emmaline, Emmalyn, Raelye, Kaylyn, Kayin, Katlyn, Katrina, Lili, Sophie, Ciara, Emma, Olivia, Reanne, Cameron, Alison, Angelina, Rosalina, Adaline, Riley, how about those?" Rocki stuttered out. "You just said so many names, I couldn't distinguish them." I say making Rocki smirk.

20 Weeks(5 Months)

Jackson's POV :
I was just doing homework in my room when Rocki froze next to me. Her eyes widened and she looked down at her stomach. I panicked. What happened? Was she dying? Was our baby dying? Was she in labor? Was she in pain? I was about to ask her when she abruptly grabbed my hand and shoved it on her stomach. I was confused but then I felt a tapping at my hand. I looked up at Rocki who was smiling at me. "She's kicking." Rocki said still smiling at me, then looking back down at her stomach. We jut sat there for awhile feeling her kick and smiling together, until the kicks slowly diluted and eventually stopped. Then I whispered to Rocki's stomach, "I can't wait for you to be here."

Authors Note:
I know I've been gone for awhile and I'm sorry, I've been super busyu and I guess I needed some time off this. But all the names that were given in the comments so far were included in the story, but be sure to keep the names coming, as I haven't chose one yet. As always, thanks for reading :)

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