4. Hi mom

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Rocki's POV:
I feel so dumb for saying that stuff to Jackson, I sounded dorky like him, but at least he knows now. Today's the only day I wanted to leave his house, I have a migraine and feel pretty nauseous. It would be really great if my mom didn't start yelling at me when I got home like she always does. But alas there she is in the living room smoking a cigarette. "Hi Gia." I say unamused, When I called her that she got mad at me, but I really hated calling her mom. "I'm your damn mother, don't call me that, and where have you been all morning." She snaps at me as my head aches more, "At a friend's house." I respond coldly, I start to walk upstairs but Gia pulls my shoulder around till I'm facing her and keeps a strong grip on me. "What friend?" She asks, I try to remain cool and not shiver, "I didn't know it was any of your business." She grips my shoulder tighter and it starts to hurt, "All of your business is my business I'm your goddamn mother, now whose house were you at." She yells at my face, "Jackson's." I state quietly, she just looks confused, "Who?" I go wide-eyed, she seriously doesn't know who Jackson is, "I was with him at the prom, remember, unless you were blackout drunk like usual." She shoves the shoulder she's holding back and the stairs hit my back. "How dare you!" She screams as she slaps me against the face. My eyes start to water up but I try my best to keep them in as I get off my back and run upstairs to my room and lock the door. I felt immediately nauseous and threw up into an old shopping bag.

Jackson's POV:
I didn't move off the for half an hour, what she said replaying over and over in my mind. I was her boyfriend now, again, I mean I'm thrilled but what if I mess it up again? I really don't want to hurt her but I feel like I always do no matter how hard I try. My mom barges into my room without knocking. "Hey Jackson sweetie." I roll my eyes and sit up, "What?" She seems to not notice my rudeness and comes next to me. "How was your morning?" She asked rubbing my shoulder, "It was pretty good." I smile thinking about Rocki calling me her boyfriend. "I feel bad about leaving you here alone every Saturday," My mom says, "Are you sure you don't want to come with any of us to...." "um no thanks it's fine." I interrupt, "Are you sure because I don't want you to be lonely." She countered, "I'm not lonely someone comes over." I blurted out and then covered my mouth with my hands. "Who comes over?" She says worriedly, "Mom it's okay it's just...a friend." I say hesitantly. She narrows her eyes and stares me down. "Are you drinking alcohol again?" She asks, "No." I respond, "Smoking Drugs?" , "No." , "Having sex?" My heart jumps and I hesitate before saying, "No." She still seems suspicious of me, but she knods her head and starts to walk out. At the last second she turns around and says, "Next Weekend you need to watch the baby, so you have to come to me before inviting a "friend"." She says, the last part in quotes. I make a huge "ugh" sound and fall over on my bed. Great now my mom is part of my love life.

Rocki's POV:
My boobs, my stomach and my head are all sore. I want to get something that will help me from downstairs but I don't want to come face to face with my mom. I hear a text come through on my phone and grab it. It's Jackson, and as much as I want to tell him everything, it's not something I should tell him. I open my phone and read the text telling me that his mom is suspicious of him and what she was accusing him of. Also, next weekend he's watching the baby and he has to tell his mom who he does it with and he's asking me to help him. Any escape from the house seems pretty great. I respond with a sure and put my phone down. I still feel horrible so I decide to look up my symptoms. Many different things come up, including pregnancy. My heart jumps a little at the thought of that. I can't be pregnant that's crazy, right? I hold my breath and click on the pregnancy link. It shows me all the symptoms that I scarily check off that I've had in my head. I start to freak out. When was the last time I've had my period? I look at my calendar and it's been almost 2 months. I get dizzy and have to sit down. We didn't use protection at all, we totally forgot about it. I could very well be pregnant now. I run out of my room, grab my stuff and run out the door, ignoring my moms yells asking where I'm going. I head to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. I get back in my car. I sit back in my seat not starting the car, scared. My mom has me as a teen. Her mom kicked her out and her baby daddy left her. What if the same thing happens to me. What if my mom kicks me out where will I go? What if Jackson leaves me alone? I need to calm down I don't even know if I'm actually pregnant. I drive home with my mom yelling at me as I run upstairs as fast as I can.

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