13. Bumpy

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14 Weeks
Rocki's POV:
While Jackson made toast, I looked at a pregnancy app about what was developing during certain weeks of pregnancy. "They are growing hair and they have fully developed face muscles." I say reading off the list of facts, Jackson smiles towards me as I continue, "and they are the size of a naval orange." I state. "I don't even know what a naval orange is." He says as his mother walks in with groceries, "It's this." She says pulling an orange fruit out of the bag and throwing it at him. "Ow!" He exclaims grabbing his arm as I giggle. "You know what else is happening this week?" I tease, knowing very well Jackson knows. "THE GENITALS ARE FORMING!" He exclaims loudly as DJ shushes him and I laugh. "I'm sorry I'm just excited." Jackson tells his mom who is still giving him the dead eye. We go up to his room so I can lay down. He lays with his head next to my stomach like he always does, but inhaled deeply. "What?" I ask worried he had an an Aneurysm or something. "Bump." He says, "Huh?" I reply confused. "Bump. There's a bump. You have a bump." He says excited. "Like a tumor?" I say jokingly. "No a baby bump, look." He says dragging me out of bed, pulling up my shirt and turning my body sideways to the mirror. "I guess I do," I say smiling. "No more secrets now.". I bite my lip as Jackson turns my cheek with his hand to face him. "Some secrets are better told." He says smiling as he kisses me softly on the lips, and then hugs me from behind, gently holding my now pertruding stomach.

The next day during school

I was bored in class so I drew a bunch of little baby feet in my notebook. The boy next to me tried to see what I was drawing but I slammed my notebook closed and glared before he could see anything. The teacher heard the outburst and decided to call on me. "Yeah?" I responded reluctantly and the class laughed. "Maybe if you payed attention in class instead of doodling you wouldn't have such bad grades." The teacher teased as the rest of class laughed. I glared at the teacher and dug my nails into my palm to contain my anger and not outburst. Jackson was in this class too, and I saw him through the corner of my eye really concerned almost blowing our cover. "Sorry, I've had more important things to deal with recently." I responded coldly still eyeing the teacher. "Oh really and what is much more important than my class?" The teacher asked. "Lots of things." I say trying not to reveal our secret. "And which one applies to you?" The teacher asks on. "Apparently this conversation is more important than your class if you keep asking me so many questions." I respond glaring. Everybody goes quiet at my sassy response and the teacher calls on someone else to anwser the question. I look over at Jackson who gives me 'I'm sorry the teacher's a horrible person and I can't help you' look.

Walking home from school

"Rocki what if you actually told the whole class about the baby?" Jackson asks me while walking. "It wouldn't really matter at this point." I respond. He bites his lip and looks at his shoes. He's silent for awhile before he speaks up, "I don't want to pretend anymore, that I'm not your boyfriend." I look at him sadly, "Jackson..." I start before he interrupts me, "I know, I know, it's what you want and it's what's better for us or whatever you said, but I really just can't stand being with you or supporting you. Today the way you were treated was awful and they didn't even know, I'm scared for when it will get worse and I'll just have to sit and watch. I really don't care what people think of me, I mean I thought I did when I said that stuff about you at the dance to those guys, but after that I realized that spending an hour with them could never compare to a second with you," he stops me grabbing a hold of my hands, "I love you Rocki, and I'll scream to the whole world about our baby because I love them too." He finishes giving me a peck on the lips. I feel a tear run down my cheek of happiness that I quickly try to wipe up before he notices it, but he does and flashes one of his cute smiles that makes my heart melt. "You're such a dork," I say giggling under my breath, "but I love you guys too, and if that's really what you want, then so be it."
We walked all the way home, and I went into the bathroom to just stare at my stomach again. In the quietest whisper, I said, "I think you're gonna love your dad as much as I do."

Author's Note:
So I really didn't know what to do for this chapter because it was the awkward in between two chapters, I'm hoping the next one will be better.
Thanks for reading :) p.s. what do you think the gender should be, or what the name should be? Comment if you have any ideas

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