14. The Cat's Out

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16 Weeks
Jackson's POV:
It's been a great week, I can talk to Rocki at school, I read that the baby can finally hear what we say, so I've been talking to them constantly and this Saturday I get to find out if it's a little boy or little girl. I keep pestering Rocki about her body to see if the old wives tales are true, and I know it's annoying but I just can't help it.

Ramona's POV:

"Rocki have you been craving salty or sweet foods." Jackson asks as Rocki rolls her eyes at his third question in 2 minutes. I can see her discomfort and drag Jackson by the wrist to my room to give her some peace. I can hear his whining behind me of how my grabbing hurts his arm but I don't listen. We get in my room and I lock the door and order him to sit down. "Woah Ramona I have a girlfriend." He says. "Ewwww." I say disgusted at he laughs at me. "So why did you drag me in here?" Jackson asks. "To save Rocki from you're millions of questions, she needs it, so find something to do." I say as I sit on my bed and scroll through my phone while Jackson looks out the window. He's about to say something to me when I get a notification. I look at him gravely, "It's from Lola," I say biting my lip, "She says she's coming to visit tomorrow.". He goes into automatic panic, "What, no, she can't come, because, well, ex, and, new girlfriend, and Rocki, and baby, and and....." he starts as I interrupt, "Jackson it will be okay, you don't have to tell her about the baby and she's not gonna care that you've found happiness in another girl if she's the one that broke up with you.". "I guess you're right," He says looking at his feet, "But what will Rocki think about it?". My eyes widen as that realization hits, "Uh Oh," I say starting to pace, "This is gonna be a nightmare."

Jackson's POV:
The second Lola walked in the door and saw Rocki holding my hand, a silent rivalry hung between the two girls. A fight between what was and what is, a classic girl fight. But I didn't realize how scary girl fights were until now because as it turns out, when girls fight, they have to pretend they are being totally pleasant when they take a jab at the other girl. "Hi Jackson! How's it been? I haven't seen you in so long." Lola said much too enthusiastically while touching my shoulder, which made Rocki grab my other hand and jerked me around to face her, Lola's hand falling off my shoulder. Rocki snapped her head around and said, "We've been great.". Lola gave her a menacing look, while still giggling, "Hello, Rory was it?" Lola said even though she should definitely know Rocki's name. "Rocki actually, Jackson's girlfriend, as of now." Rocki said eyeing Lola down. "That's so funny, cause Jackson and I used to date if you didn't know." Lola said giggling. Rocki giggled back in a menacing tone and said goodbye leaving the room. This continued throughout the day and everytime I walked into a room the two of them would be going back and forth. Right before dinner, I was in my room while they were in the hallway still tapping at each other, saying why each of there relationships with me was better, until it got into actual fighting that wasn't just back handed compliments. "Ya know I can't believe he's dating a freak like you, I can get him back right now if I wanted just watch me." I hear Lola say, as I get up to go tell her to stop talking to Rocki like that. Just as I get into the hallway, Lola is walking towards me and Rocki screams at her, "I wouldn't be so sure he'll date you if he already knocked up this freak!". Everyone goes silent and Lola's face is in total shock. Her back is still to Rocki, so she looks up at me, as if asking for confirmation, I nod my head as she turns around, "You are really pregnant?" Lola asks Rocki, as Rocki nods too, still being shocked the words came out of her mouth. There is silence for a few moments, and then Lola speaks up, "Of course someone like you messed up Jackson's life.". Then she storms away to find Ramona.

Rocki's POV:
After I told Lola about the baby I locked myself in the bathroom with my phone. I wait 15 minutes and then see Lola's friend of a friend of a friends post about "that goth chick who is pregnant" and how "Fuller is the baby daddy". I start sobbing, feeling horrible for telling it so carelessly and betraying my promise to myself I wouldn't drag Jackson in to this more than he already has been. I hear footsteps outside the door and a knock. Mustering up my best I'm okay voice I say, "Yes?". "It's Jackson, can you let me in?". "No, I can't look at you right now, I feel so guilty." I say curling up into a ball. "Please let me come in Rocki." He says and I can hear the hopelessness in his voice. I cry even more as I stand up and unlock and open the door. He looks at me as I sob into my hands and then automatically pulls me into a deep hug. "I'm so sorry." I say, and repeat over and over again until he shushes me and strokes my hair. "Did you see the post?" I ask. "Yes." He says plainly and I can't read his emotions, so I go out of the hug to look at his face. "So are you mad?" I ask him biting my lip. "Not at you." He says smiling, making me smile too for a second. "But it's my fault that she knows." I say more tears falling out of my eyes. "We were gonna tell people eventually, so she was going to find out, but she shouldn't of went on and shared it to tons of other people, that's wrong, plus, she was being a jerk to you all day and you were just standing up for yourself." Jackson says hugging me again.

Jackson's POV:
I've gotten more calls, dms and texts in this short time than I have in my whole life. I've ignored every single one of them and have decided to make going back to school on Monday a nightmare for me. But it doesn't matter right now, because right now the doctor is doing the ultrasound to see if the baby is a boy or a girl, and I've never been more excited for something. I squeeze Rocki's hand as the doctor finds the baby and we hear its heartbeat fill the room, the soft comforting sound of our little, "Girl," The doctor exclaims, "You're going to have a baby girl!"

Authors Note:
Comment Baby Names for a girl down below, thanks for reading :)

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