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"Hi Marina" I release a cough; "I won't be able to make it today, or the next couple of days, I think I caught a cold" I lie.

"Oh sweetheart, it's alright! Seems like you need a break with all the paps swarming the place, little famous now are we?" She rambles, "Can’t believe you didn't tell me!"

"Wasn't my place to tell..." Stop talking.

"Right" she chuckles, I can hear the grin on her face, "I'm sure Gwyneth can take your classes, take care love"


I hang up the phone and return into the curl I had occupied hours ago. I'm not sure why I even called Marina; I've been very lousy with my work the past one week. I should have been fired, but no, I'm little famous Marisol now. I attract the customers. Well, that won't last long.

Harry didn't come back for his lunch break. He didn't bother checking up on me. I wish he did, I'm so tired of being alone in here. Suddenly my small apartment feels so large, vast, terrifying.

The clock rings 4 pm, and no sign of harry, or anyone. Come to think of it, I only have Niall and Harry to care about. I work for Marina, and Gwyneth is my colleague who barely speaks to me. She's going through an emo phase a bit too late, always harnessing her black soul.

And then it strikes me that I had forgotten to visit mum, or even tell her I'm not coming. I once again, unlock my curl, and get onto the phone, dialling the nursery's number.

"Hello?" Nurse Lilly's voice replies immediately, soon after one ring.

"Hi Lilly, it’s Marisol? Let mum know that I won't visit today, and not to worry if I don't show up for a few days okay? Some things I need to deal with"

"Sure thing munchkin, I'll let her know, anything else?"

"No,’s all"

"Take care"

Yeah, I'll need someone to take care of me.

As I inhale the oily smell of my hair, I can't help but think, Niall has led me to ditch my own mother as if she had no value in my heart. I am too occupied with Niall's interest, while he took over every cell that held my heart tissues together, that I don't see that other people I care for are slipping away between my fingers like particles of sand.

I close my eyes and sleep, and fly away, and wish to never wake up.

"Ha, as if Elena is worthy of any of the Salvatore’s', she's such a slut" I said, scanning the corridor filled with multiple males and females, dressed in the 'new' fashion that's going on. As if I gave a shit, I always ended up wearing jeans and a shirt, even if it's only the first day of High school. I wasn't here to make an impression, as most of these people are.

I heard the bell ring, as I waved goodbye to the orange haired girl standing beside me. Did I regard us as best friends? I didn't talk to a lot of people around here, except her. Everyone seemed to be snobby and bossy, and I seemed to get along with my teachers rather than the students.

The thoughts vanish away as I make my way to the dance room. I wanted to greet Miss. Trish, before we get acquainted into class. I glanced at my timetable, assuring that I had a free period to spare. A soft melody interrupted my thoughts. Looking up, I realised that everyone had strolled into their classes, and I was left alone in the hallway, facing the music room, which was right beside the dance room.

The melody has struck to be beautify, mesmerising, something to play at a wedding dance. A smile involuntarily crept on my face as I pushed open the music room's door slowly, hoping I could hear the rest of the melody and not interrupt whoever is behind it.

All I was able to see was a mass mixture of blonde hair mixed with brunette, his neck, his back muscles, him hunching, no face. The mystery man was wearing a red shirt, and that's all I could muster. I stayed still listening to the melody that was projected by the guitar strings to sway the silent room, fill the silent hallway, make me... Happy...

"Miss. Thompson” a voice echoed behind me, startling me, as I felt myself jump and drop my bag onto the floor.

"Jesus" I whispered, hands on my chest as I saw that Miss. Trish was standing in front of me, with a playful smile on her face, quite glad that she had caught me sneaking around, innit?

"I'm sorry miss. Thompson didn't mean to startle you, but what are you doing here?"

"I was just...” I turn around to find that the guitar playing has stopped, and my heart clenched with it. I didn't mean to stop the person from playing... That sad feeling bad soon to escape my heart, because guitar playing man had turned around and was staring at me with bright blue eyes, guitar in his hand, and hair covering his forehead. Before I could dwell on his physical beauty, Miss Trish has pulled me away to the dance room.

The phone is ringing. I rose up from the dead and replied it without having a chance to look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" My voice is tired, broken.

"Marisol, I'm coming home in ten minutes, keep the door opened for me okay? I got groceries too, so don't let me wait a lot"

"Sure" I weakly reply, hoping Harry won't hear it in my voice. He'll see it in my face when he shows up though. He's going to be boiling. It wasn't a surprise to me that Niall wasn't Harry's cup of tea, and now this happens, he's going to hate him even more.

I don't even have it in me to say I hate him because, fuck, I don't hate him. I love him. I love him. I love him.

He doesn't love me, and that revelation breaks my heart into a million pieces. Who's going to pick that up? Who's going to fix that shitty heart of mine? Why wasn't my heart made of stone, this would have been a much easier experience to go through. I pull the blankets on my face and fall asleep again, because that seems to be the only escape from reality at the moment.


"I ask you of one thing Marisol, and it's to open the door in ten minutes, but noooo... I have to wait for twenty minutes for someone else to open the door, and why did you switch off your phone?" I hear Harry complain as he stuffs the groceries into the fridge and cupboards. He hasn't seen me yet, and when he does, I'm up for another lecture, and it doesn't include me not opening the door.

"Are you even listening- what's wrong?" He's standing in front of me now. Falling on his Knees, he pulls the blanket off my face and examines my face. I must look like hell, red, blotchy, broken?

"What happened Marisol?" His voice turns to a pitch of soft. His words are soft spoken. I would have thought he's the one with the broken heart from his expression.

"Niall..." I choke out, not being able to hold back the new wave of tears to come, "broke up with me" I close my eyes and try swallowing my tears. I open them to only witness harry throwing the apple that he was holding against the wall, and then and there I knew Niall has done it for Harry.


EnvyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora