$ T W E N T Y • F I V E $

Start from the beginning

"Congratulations!" I say as I grab her hand and look at the diamond ring more carefully.

I smirk at Luca. "I like your taste." I wink before he chuckles.

"Have you guys thought about the date yet or anything?" I asked after Norah pulled back her hand softly for Lilly to see.

Luca shrugged his shoulders while Norah shook her head. "Not yet. We don't want to rush into it." She says as she laces her hands with Luca's.

"When did this happen? And you didn't care enough to tell us?" I asked in a teasing tone.

Norah shook her head immediately. "It happened last night. I would've told you if it happened sooner."

Lilly nodded. "Explains why you guys were late again." She added casually before Luca choked on his drink. I refrain myself to chuckle as Luca cleans himself up.

"Woah! Let me check out the huge rock!" Aleksander says. Norah chuckles softly and displays her left hand to the boys. Xavier's cheeks were tinted red once again. He gave Norah a small smile before it vanished when he glanced at Luca. I knitted my eyebrows and looked away.

The waiter came around and asked if we were ready to order our main course. Once we ordered, Xavier excused himself to the bathroom, Aleksander following behind. I bit my lip nervously before glancing at Lilly. She gave me a smile and placed her hand on my shoulder for support. It was now or never.

"I have something to tell you guys too," I mumbled which caught Norah and Luca's attention.

"What's up, babe?" Norah asks.

"This is sort of big news. I didn't believe it at first either—" I began. "—I've known for a few weeks and I hope you guys will understand." I looked down at my stomach.

Norah leans forward and cups my hand that was on the table. "Of course. I'm here for you. What is it?"

I opened my mouth but before I could reply, the boys were walking back to the table already. I sighed, wondering why they came back quickly. "I'll tell you later when they're not here," I mumble as my eyes shot towards the boys who were nearing the table.

She nodded and sat back. Her concerning eyes returning to her hand laced with Luca's, instantly forgetting what I had to tell her.

March 28th, 2019
Southampton, New York
Twelfth Week Pregnant

Vera's P.O.V.

6:37 pm.

       I took a seat on the sectional in my parent's huge sunroom. It was filled with plants that made the room feel like I was sitting under the summer weather. I had my computer on my lap, scrolling through my emails and news relating to me. My emails consisted of sales at stores in California. I yawned and scratched my nose, feeling like I would pass out from boredom any second now. Typical boring adult stuff.

I had a meeting with my father at seven o'clock sharp. If I was being honest, I was a nerve wreck. I didn't know where things like this put him and me at. I was overthinking and it was beginning to make me feel nauseous. He still didn't talk to me the same way he used to before. He talked to me as if I was just a business associate and I probably was just that to him. At least he chose to speak to me. If baby steps are all I'm getting, for now, I'll take it.

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