Chapter 18: Ya worry too much

Start from the beginning

"Hey, it's ya birthday in four days, isn't it?" I said, knowing the answer, but I wanted to know what to get him.

I didn't get an answer.

"Dallas." I said looking at him. I chuckled. Asleep. Fast asleep, even though he had been sleeping for the last 7 hours.

I got up, leaving him in the lounge. I picked up my list of chores and unfolded them, scanning my eyes over the paper to see where I hadn't ticked.

Remember to feed yourself.
Try to open the shed.

I cocked my head to the side and looked out the window to see the shed standing, on the patio, alone.

Opening the back door, I walked to the shed. The lock looked battered, like it had tried to be forced off and the wooden door remained closed. I struggled with it, kicking, hard but it wouldn't budge.

"Waste of ya time." Dally said, making me jump.

"Jesus, I thought ya were asleep." I tried to pull it open again but it didn't move.

"Just stop. It's not going to move. They've tried and failed." Dally stopped my arm from pulling the handle even more.

"And they don't have a key?" I pointed to the lock. "If they had that, it would make it a whole lot easier."

Dally stayed quiet, but I had an idea. If Isla was anything like Pony described her, I'm pretty sure I knew were the key was. "How long has it been closed?" I asked, walking back into the house.

"I dunno. 3 years."

I smiled sadly. The same amount of time, Isla had been dead for. "See ya."

"What... where the hell are ya going?" Dally tried to follow me, but gave up. He probably knew I was coming back out again.

I walked up the stairs, to my room, that was still exactly how I found it the day I came in. I hadn't unpacked my suitcase, and I didn't dust the room either. I walked up to the wardrobe and off the handles, I blew off the dust, opening them slightly. If I was hiding something, I would have hidden it on the top self of my wardrobe and that's exactly what Isla did.

I pulled down the jar, standing up on the top shelf and looked at the key hidden inside and the note folded up neatly in quarters.

I guess if you find this, I'm sorry. I know you asked me sooooooo many times if I had the shed key and I had lied but, there. I tricked you and you didn't know. I won and you lost. Love you guys, and well now you can open the shed.
Isla x

I smiled. Isla would have been 13. Bit younger than me and Pony and it made me sad. She had gone to young, but what frustrated me was that I still thought she was out there. Somewhere.

I folded the letter back up and walked downstairs. Off the list, I crossed off try to open the shed and I put the glass jar with the key on the table.

"Hey, Dal'." I called, once I had walked back outside. "I have something to show y—" I scanned the back garden. "Dally? Shit. Oh my God, Dallas." I closed my eyes and hoped Dallas would be standing in front of me again. I went back inside and to the front door that was left slightly open. Off the side, I grabbed Soda's switchblade, that he left behind and I jogged out the house.

I walked down the street but stopped when I saw three people running towards me.

"What the hell are ya doin'." Pony screamed. "Ya can't walk on the streets on ya own."

"Ya sounding more and more like Darry." I said, carrying on.

"Where ya goin' anyway, man?" Johnny stopped walking so I did to. I didn't have a crush on him anymore, but he was my best friend and his sad looking face made my heart melt.

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