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wether she didn't want to admit it or not, I knew she was not fine.

Her whole body language describes it, I know something has happened but I don't know what. Ella wasn't her usual self, I'm probably not the best one for it since I only have known her for a few months but I pick up quickly and I know what she said isn't true.

"Mitch?" My head snapped towards the right as I saw Freddie looking at me, and I can see the concern in his eyes. "Yeah?"

"You gazed off, are you alright?"

"Yeah" I mumbled " Completely fine" Unfortunately he didn't drop the conversation.

"Don't tell me your thinking about Ella again" My eyes stared at him, why the hell does he always bring up Ella?

"Why does everything have to be about Ella?!" I exclaimed tightening my skates and standing up.

"You like her Mitch" Freddie kept going on, making me sigh. He wasn't wrong, I did like her. I took my stick and placed it in my hands "When are you gonna tell her?"

"I don't know," I say "I like her a lot Fred" Freddie nodded. "Yesh, I know, it's obvious" I glared at him.

He stood up grabbing his goalie stick "Well, let's go, we have kids awaiting" I agreed when we got out most of the kids were already ice making me smile.

I probably shouldn't have done it, but I looked over to the stands and many of the kid's parents were sitting there, making me find Ella who was staring at her phone with a frown on her face and not paying attention to anyone else.

Then that's when I knew I should've turned my head back away from her because it felt like she knew I was looking at her and her head turned towards my direction, making my breath hitch and I quickly look away.

"Mitch, come on, we don't want to keep the kids waiting," Freddie told me.

"Yeah," I say quietly "Let's go"

"Everyone in the middle!" I hear Freddie shout and to my surprise the listen and come quickly I chuckled, I guess when you bring in a goalie it changes for everyone.

I followed behind and stood right next to him, I wanted to laugh at some of the kids confused faces. "Alright, it's nice to see everyone alive," I say, out of the corner of my eye I see Freddie shaking my head at me in disappointment.

"Coach Mitch! Who is the other guy?" Nolan said pointing to him, making me smile. "Well, Nolan, this is one of my friends who's a great goalie, you are all in for a great day, Freddie here agreed to help out today so you will all be taking shots on him today, how does that sound?"

All the kids cheered in agreement, making me smile I looked over to Freddie who was also doing the same looking at me.

"Ok! Let's get started!"

Note: I know it's been a while, I was on vacation. But anyway here's a new chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please don't forget to vote and comment! Also, go check out my book called Stand Up!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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