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"Can't you drive faster!!?"

I groaned at my younger brother's impatience. "I'm sorry to tell you Dylan but I can't go any faster when there are cars in front of me" I said keeping my eyes focus on the road "There's still plenty of time"

"Whatever" I heard him scoff.

The fact that I didn't have work today was much more relaxing, even if mum was home which she is, she came back late in the night to wherever she went she would still make me take Dylan.

"Oh!" I hear Dylan say in the back "I forgot to tell you something, Mum said we were having a barbecue party today! And she's letting me invite the team!"

"Wait what?" I said turning into the arena parking lot. 

"Yeah she told me to tell you yesterday but I forgot to then" I rolled my eyes at his comment before shutting off the engine "Alright lets go" 

We walked into the arena and I Instantly shivered to feel the cold breeze that went through, I hated coming here I don't understand how people can sit in cold weather and act like its totally normal.

I saw Dylan walk off before turning around myself before being bumping into someone and I groaned.

"I'm so so- Ella?" I looked up at the sound of my name and my eyes widen out of all people! Out of all people it had to be him! "M-Mitch...?"

He nodded "Are you alright?' I nod looking down.

Silence drifted between us making it more awkward and I felt the eyes of people watching us well if this couldn't get any worse!

Oh it could get worse if you like

Shut up brain!

"Ella!" I mentally sighed before turning around and saw Dylan coming towards me I frowned seeing him not dressed in his gear yet "You forgot to give me my water bottle"

I looked down to my hand realizing I had his water bottle in my hand I quickly give it to him before nagging him to go get changed he left while I heard a chuckle behind me I turned and saw Mitch with a smile on his face making me narrow my eyes "What?"

"nothing" he said shaking his head "I'll see you later yeah?" he asked before going off leaving me confused but I shook it off and went to the bleachers.

IT WAS FREEZING, I don't understand how people good handle this ice stuff!

Maybe were warm clothing, ever heard of that?

Can't you just go away for once?

Sorry, no can do

I sighed and shook my head and looked back on I tried finding Dylan but it was much harder than it looked until I spotted someone else.


Why can't I get him out of my god damn head? Ever since the day I bumped into him all I could do is think about him which sounds creepy.

Its called falling in love

I swear to you shut the hell up.

I chuckle to myself, no way, there is absolutely no way I'm falling in love no way. Sure Mitch seemed like a nice guy and takes great care of kids and everything but no way that is going to make me fall in love with him.

A/N: Ayyyy don't be silent readers! Please vote or comment! I also have a book called Agent Horan please go check it out!

Hockey Coach⇝ M. MarnerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora