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"Alright! Everyone come in!" 

"Practice is done for today, I'll see you all next week. Now get off the ice!" I say making some kids laugh as they head off.

"Dylan! Can you come her for a sec?" I saw him froze and he turned around slowly skating back and I furrowed my eyebrows, did he think he was in trouble?

"Yeah Coach?"

"Did Ella tell you, you were staying with a few of our friends?" and he nodded quickly, I smiled at him patting his helmet "That's all I needed to know kid, now go undress" I saw him skate off rather quickly making me chuckle and shake my head before grabbing my water bottle and heading off ice.

I mean I would stay on, but I don't wanna get crashed by a Zamboni do I? That would be bad, really bad.

I looked over to the bench and found Auston and Ella sitting there making me smile, I saw her eyes move to me, and we both just stared at each other, I could do this all day if I wanted to but I can't I have places to be, I gave her a small wave before going into the room.

I didn't know what was happening to me, I met Ella like what? Two weeks ago? I can't help it but like her.

Oh you like her that way?

What? No! Shut up conscious you think dirty things to many times that I can count. I chuckled to myself shaking my head, untying my skates and taking off my hockey gear.

It was weird, I don't know if I like or her not but here I am denying that fact that I like her, I don't even know if I do. Its just something about her that draws me to her.

Maybe it was her dark brown-blackish hair? Or maybe it was her gorgeous brown eyes heck I don't know.

I gathered up my stuff before heading out, to meet up with the others where I saw that they were already waiting for me by the front door, and Dylan was with him.

"Took you long enough... coach" I heard Auston say with a smirk on his face and I just rolled my eyes, that boy I swear to god.

I looked over to Ella "You ready to go?" she nodded a smile on her face.

"Make sure you guys don't have to much fun" I heard Auston say and my eyes go wide.

Ella slapped him on the arm and he whined in response and I chuckled.

"You Idiot, there's kids here" She said looking over to her younger brother who rolled his eyes.

"I'm 13 Ella, I'm not a kid" and she scoffed ruffling his hair making him groan

"Well we should get going huh Dylan"?' Auston asked him, and shook his head furiously

"yes please" he mumbled, I laughed "Well see you guys later"

We both parted separate way's before Ella stop,  turned around and looked at her confused "Why did you stop?"

"Mitch... I took my car, I don't wanna leave it here" My eyes widen, the stupid idiot I am, I sighed

"I'll give you the address of the coffee shop, and then we'll go on from there yeah?" she nodded, I quickly went to my car and search for a piece of paper and a pen luckily I have both of them. I quickly wrote down the address and went back to give it to her.

"Here, it should be easy to follow if you have a GPS" I say smiling like an idiot.

She looked down at the paper before looking back up at me with a smile on her face "I'm sure it will, I will see ya later then huh?" I nod, before a grin comes on my face telling me I have a plan.

"On second thought, lets have a race" A frown came across her face

"A race?"

"Yeah, you know who ever gets there first will be the winner" She thought abut it for a second before nodding in agreement "Alright"

I smiled "Alright, in 3, 2, 1 Go!" 

There was no way I was going to lose this.

Hockey Coach⇝ M. MarnerWhere stories live. Discover now