Chapter 17- I cannot love you

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Door bell rings,

Finally you are here, and I just hope that you love the arrangements; I murmured and opened the door. It was him still holding on to an upset face.

'Hello, come in' I moved aside leaving him some way. He moved in a tortoise pace and after seeing the decorations, stood amazed. I hadn't done much, just a vase of flowers in the middle of table and around it were some white petals. I didn't want to light the candles as it would look too odd. After all, he was my best friend and not my love.

'How is it?' asked I hesitantly as he gazed shockingly.

'Beautiful' he whispered and kept his violin aside.

'Sit down,' I pulled back the chair for him and he sat. 'Viren, I am sorry, I didn't mean to mention her name' said I, making myself comfortable. He instantly placed his finger on my lip.

'I told you that I am not angry and you don't have to keep apologizing for everything. I don't like that and I have told you several times' said he and slowly removed the hair from my face.

'I can see it in your face,' said I, he refused to look at me and murmured something. I couldn't hear him properly and asked him to repeat, but he refused to tell anything.

'Fine, forget about it. Tell me, how the inauguration preparation is going on?' asked I, deviating him from the topic. After all it was his first music academy and he had been working hard for it. From the infrastructure to all sorts of facilities, he kept a close look in everything to ensure that everything went on right.

'The preparations are almost done, we just have to make a last minute check list' said he.

'That's good news,' I paused as he looked up. 'I am so happy for you,' said I and held his hand into mine.

We smiled at each other.

'Where's Aarohi?' asked he, immediately taking his eyes off me. His sudden distraction left me puzzled.

Something was definitely brewing up in his head, he was not behaving normal.

'She's fast asleep,' said I, he gave a fake smile. 'Viren, what is it?' asked I finally cutting the crap.

'What?' he questioned as if everything was fine, but something was definitely strange in his behavior.

'So you won't tell me?' I folded my hands, he took a deep breath.

'Netra.....' I leaned forward as he was about to talk. 'I want to tell you something..... I have been longing to tell you this that I am.....' he paused and instantly took his eyes off mine.

'What is stopping you then? Say it?' I whispered.

My breathing rate had already increased. My heart was pumping faster than ever, as if I knew what he was going to say.

'Just say it Viren' I whispered as we looked into one another's eyes.

'Netra......' he paused and pulled his chair closer to mine. His both hands were holding my face tightly. 'You are extremely important in my life and in the last one year things have changed. We are best friends but apart from that there is something else which I want you to know.' said he, I kept gazing at him. Tears were stagnant inside my eyes, not the sad ones but the happy ones. Maybe he wanted to tell me that he couldn't imagine his life without me or a step ahead of that.......

Whatever be it but I also couldn't deny the fact that I was falling in love with him. Though I refused to accept it despite of Anuya countless attempts, but somewhere in the bottom of my heart I knew that she was speaking the truth. I had the realization of how much important he was in my life. His sacrifices for me and Aarohi, his unconditional care towards me and his love clearly shows of how important I was for him. But no, I couldn't accept it, maybe because I knew that this was not happening. Our families and this society will never let us get together because of my status. They will never let me forget that I was a widow and I didn't have the right to choose my life partner.

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