Chapter 14

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Harmony Pov

I have been in my room all day, mum was still at work and so was dad, with all the drama happening I forgot to mention that the orphanage was completed and I have all the pictures. I just remembered I need to finish framing all of them but all I can think is how did Jay know that Demon will be at my house and call, it doesn't make sense.

I heard someone knocking at the door, going downstairs I looked throw the key hole and saw a sparkly shirt that says bitch please write in black. Knowing the only person who wears that shirt.

"Go away Mia, I don't want your stories!" I shouted but that didn't stop her from banging on the door and knowing Mia will not stop until I open the door, so I did that, she barged in walking straight for the kitchen and the fridge. I looked at Bella who just shrugged her shoulders, Bella turned back out then pushed a trolley into my house, I looked at her in shocked


"Mia decided we should go shopping for sweets and junk food to cheer you up and when I want to my car Mia was like 'I don't want to go by car, wanna walking to get thin' and I was like 'why do you need to get thin? ' and Mia was like 'Drake has been feeding me too much, and I way like-"

" Can you, you know cut it short. "I said well she smiled

"Right. Well we went to the mall and decided we should go to different shops and get different candy, when I was going out I stopped at this lady who was sampling these nice golden spring rolls, when I was about to take a bit Mia came running with a trolley with mall policemen behind her, she said we should go fast but I told her I suck at raining and she told me to get into the trolley and I did then we are here. "

"But why where you been chased?" I asked and Bella looked at me and shrugged, I looked at Mia, she looked at me with a sigh and started her side of the story.

"Well after we separated, I was in a stole looking at all the candy with the trolley, when I finished and was checking out some guy came to me and was like 'sorry miss but you can't take the trolley out side,' and I looked at him and just took the trolley and ran for it."

"Why!?" I groaned sometimes this girl, we heard a knock at my door, we all looked at each other. Going to the window I saw a police officer with his partner, I gasped getting down on the floor. "It's the police you idiots." I whispered yelled

"Well go answer the fudging door." Whispered Mia.

"why me!?"

"Cause you weren't there with us, but how did they know we are here?"

Mia and I gasped "dog man" we whispered together.


"Dog man is a guy that has a little piece of crap of a dog which barks at us and bits, Harm and I when we were just five years old, it was hot and we wanted ice-cream but my mum said we had to earn our own money and we decided to sale lemonade but someone was already and we saw it across the street, the biggest green tree filled with red bright apples. We went across and decided to get one, I was the climber while Harm was the look out, once I was up there and touched the apple, It came barking at us. " Mia looked out in the distance, so I decided to continue

"Well I decided to climb the tree and the owner came out and just laughed at once was he saw us, he went back into his house well his dog stayed barking at us, it was getting hotter and we were thirst, we ended up fainting. It was my mum that had to come and rescue has, she even called the firefighters and policemen and once we were down, she almost sued the man which made him hate us more. "

"Open the door at once or we will break it down!" shouted a man

I gasped mum will kill me if the door is broken, I ran to the door and opened it. "Please don't break my parents door or they will kill me." The policeman looked at me with wide eyes.

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