Chapter 9

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When we got back i was attacked by a blur hugging me which by the way mad me fall, i was the bread at the bottom.

"Get off you lot" i said as i tried to push them off, they got off and i saw it was Bella and Mia and they were talking so fast, i couldn't get what they were saying. "Slow down what at a time" i said.

"We were so worried when we looked and saw that your gone, we actually almost started a search party. Where did you anyway" said Mia

"Breath Mia and i was just walking around"

"Well your walking cause us a heart attack" Bella said as she glared at me, i looked down and sighed.

"I just wanted to clear my mind, oky!" I shouted as i raised my hands, i sighed again "i had a lot of thinking to do and i need to agree with the terms of it, now can we please just go home. I want to sleep" i said as i went into Demon's room to look for my bag.

I found it, taking it about to walk out when Demon blocked my way, "Demon please move i don't have time to for this now"

"Not until you tell me what happened"

"Nothing! Look am tired and want to sleep so get the fuck away!" I growled as i pushed him, i know his shocked but so am i, i don't know what happened, i guess i want to push him away thinking he will get bored of me. I went down stairs and saw the girls having their bags, i guess they hard my conversion with Demon, Mia came and put a hand on my shoulder.

We went to Mia's car, i sat in the car well the girls said bye to the guys i had my head leaning on the window looking at the far distance. I felt someone's eyes on me and saw Demon look at me with a sad face and then walk into the house closing the door, i stared at the door and let my mind go into its prison. I heard the car doors open then close, i looked at Mia who gave me a sad smile.

I push people away thinking that the love they have for me will die down, Mia knew this and she understood but what surprised me the most she stayed and by stay i mean sitting on me until i told her what was wrong, i smile remembering that day, we were both thirteen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~5 minutes on the road~~~~~~~~~
We're still in the forest and the whether changed to my mood, it was raining which was hard to see.

"Maybe we should have stayed back a little" said Bella

"FUCK THIS, FUCK YOU MOTHER NATURE, IF MY CAR GETS DAMAGE I WILL CHOP EVERY TREE!" Shouted Mia as she hit her hand on the Sterling wheel.

We felt something hit the car on the side making it jerk, then it happened on the other side. "What's happening?" I asked as the hits kept on coming, i looked to the front. And saw a shadow, we got closer and i saw it was a man, we all gasped as Mia harshly turned the wheels making us hit a tree and for me to hit the dash board. I kept hearing someone call my name but the ring was too much.

After the ringing stopped, i looked and saw Bella and Mia looking at me with worry, "Harm are you okay?" Asked Mia

"Yah just a little headache" i winced as i tried to move my head.

"We need to go, i have a bad feeling" said Bella as she grabbed her jacket and phone and getting out and we did the same.

It was still raining but not us strong, it was dark and hard to see anything, my head was still paining but i pushed it back, "Bella call Jake and tell him what happened" said Mia, she came to me and looked at me, "Harm you need to sit down" she sat me down making me lean on the car.

"I called him, his on his way. If he can find us" Mia nobbed and sat to my right and Bella to my left. It was silent then we heard a stick break and leave crunch coming our way, we all looked around scared but we couldn't see anything. We heard a growl and a howl, we all gasped as we saw red eyes come out of the tree lines then more red eyes, they growled as the came closer but stopped and looked behind them, we saw a man, he had an evil grin as he looked at us.

"Well what do we have here, you girls will make great slaves" he smelled the air and laughed loudly, "what's best your the mates of the Alpha, Beta and gamma" the wolves growled.

We all looked at him confused, "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU LITTLE DICK!" Shouted Mia, the man growled causing her shut up.

"It wouldn't be wise to talk like that to me when you are in this position". He looked at me and smiled, " let's start with you little Luna" he grabbed me my neck, pulling me from the ground. The headache got worse as no air was going into my brain. My eyes started to close but then i heard a loud growl making the man drop me.

I gasped for air, i looked and saw Demon with black eyes, i gasped he looked angry like very angry, "step away from my mate this instance or i will snap that little neck of yours" he barked, his voice was demonic and dominant like an Alpha male, his voice send shivers not like creepy shivers, aroused shivers.

The man looked afraid, as Demon come closer to him he would step back, the wolves growled at Demon making the man smirk, "your out number Alpha, just give up" the man snared at Demon but Demon only smirked.

"You should know i wouldn't come alone," one he said that a howl rung threw the forest as yellow glowing eyes stepped out, "give up now well you still can"

"Never!" The man snared and jumped in the air, his clothes ripped as i heard bones cracking and there stood a brown wolf, i gasped and looked in shock at just what happened, the wolf ran to Demon as Demon did the same, he jumped up in the air as his bones cracked, a black wolf with fire like lines danced on his body, he was bigger than the rest of the wolves.

All hell broke lose as wolves fought each other, i was still in shock, werewolves where real but how, i remembered the story the old woman told me. Everything pieced together like a solved puzzle.

I snap out of my thoughts when I heard a whimper coming from Demon, he was hurt, with all my strength I stood up and did what crazy people do in movies, i grab a stick and hit the brown wolf with a stick and it broke.

"Oh come on! Movies I will never watch again." The wolf growls at me and jumped, everything was in slow motion. A black blur jumped on front of me then a loud crack was heard. I looked and saw the brown wolf had a bite mark on his neck with blood coming of it.

I looked to my right and saw that the black wolf was bigger, its tail and ears had fire dancing on them, his eyes where hollow with fire in it. I gasped and the wolf looked at me.

The hybrid's mateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora