The Super Training begins

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Alright guys i'm sorry i haven't written in such a long Time it's just i had ran out of ideas, the main reason why i want to try is because despite all that's happened you guys still read my story and i really want to thank you for that, i really appreciate the support for this story and i promise from now on i will do everything i can to write chapters more regularly. Alright guys sorry about all that, let's get started with the chapter. oh before we got started i made Kale Stronger than Caulifla. alright sorry about that

Goku: Alright you two hope you ready because this is going to be the hardest training we've ever done.

Caulifla, kale : I'm ready 

Goku: Alright then, let's get started 

They enter the Training ground 

Goku: Wow This gravity is intense man the old gravity chamber seems like a picnic compared to this.

Caulifla: No kidding this pressure is off the charts.

kale: ahhahahh 

Caulifla: you alright kale how are you holding up 

kale: i'm fine i just how much pressure it puts on the body.

Goku: I know right i'm actually surprised you can stand up at all when i first came here i could hardly move. you guys are amazing.

Caulifla: Yeah we know 

Goku: Anyway first of all we're going down memory lane 

Caulifla,kale: What do you mean by that.

Goku: I mean we're going to spar you two versus me.

Caulifla:  I don't mean to burst your bubble Goku but we're a lot stronger than we were back then i don't you will stand a chance.

Goku: Oh i know how strong you two have gotten since then but there's no better way to get stronger than to face impossible odds am i right.

Caulifla: Alright then don't say i didn't warn you alright Kale let's teach him a lesson.

kale: right big sis 

Goku: Transforms into Super Saiyan

Caulifla, kale: Transform Super Saiyan


caulifla and kale run towards goku but goku getting ready to punch but blocks it 

Goku: heh your gonna have to do better than that to scare me.

caulifla: we'll see about that we're just warming up no more fun and games transforms super saiyan blue.

kale: transforms LSSJ blue.

goku: no way when did you learn that 

Kale: you guys don't know this but the entire time you two were training i've been training secretly with Vados.

Goku: Guess i'm not the only one who's been hiding something.

Caulifla,kale: what do you mean by that ?

goku: behold my Ultimate form that i've been working in secret since i lost to Yamoshi 

Transforms Super Saiyan Ultra instinct.

Caulifla, Kale: there's no way 

 Alright guys sorry to end it here hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and i'll see you next time on goku x caulifla love story

goku x caulifla love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora