The Date/Lemon part 2

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Hello guys it's me joshua1899 sorry I didn't post any chapter yesterday. I was just really tired yesterday. Anyway without further adew let's get started with the chapter 11.

Last time on goku x Caulifla love story

Goku was getting prepared for his date with Caulifla in which he managed to get a nice suit for their first date.

Goku: Well then I wonder what cauli is doing right now

At Bulma's Place

Caulifla: Bulma do you really want me to wear this I don't know it looks too girly

Bulma: But you are a girl aren't you well then what's the problem with wearing something girly. Trust me on this one Goku will be speechless if he sees you with this.

Caulifla: Alright then if you say so I'll wear it anyway you make a good point it is a nice dress. Puts the dress on.

Bulma: Trust me it's beautiful , Anyway I think it's about time you get ready for your date because it's in 45 minutes.

Caulifla: Oh Crap it's that late already anyway goku said we would meet up here.

Bulma: Oh ok then if that's the case then alright. Ok then have a nice time Caulifla I hope it goes well The First date is always the most nerve wracking.

Caulifla: Alright then see ya.

30 minutes later

Goku: Alright there's only 15 minutes before I have to meet up with Cauli I better get going flies off.

15 minutes later

Goku: Hey Cau................... blushes really hard.

Caulifla: What's wrong sweetie you look speechless do I look that good well I guess bulma was right you do look speechless.

Goku: Cau...Cau....Cau Caulifla you look beautiful Cauli.

Caulifla: blushes bright red Thank you sweetie that was very nice of you.

Goku: anyway shall we get going. I was thinking what do you say we go to the Cinema is that Alright.

Caulifla: Sure as long as it's not a boring romantic movie.

Goku: I knew you wouldn't like that that type of movie so I booked two for an action movie. But not just any movie it's Called the battle of gods.

Caulifla: You don't mean to tell me.

Goku: Yep that's right it's when I first became a Super saiyan God.

Caulifla: So they made a movie out of it huh interesting now that's interesting that's what I'm talking about.

Goku: Now then shall we get going

Timeskip to after the movie

Caulifla: Now that was one amazing movie what shall we do next

Goku: How about we get something to eat.

Caulifla: Oh yeah I'm starving

Goku: Took the words right out of my mouth.

They arrive at the restaurant

Waiter: What can I do for you sir

Goku: bring us your best food

Caulifla: yes please

Waiter: With pleasure sir

They bring a giant Calamar

Goku: wow it's huge

Caulifla: well then dig in

They eat at insane speed beyond human capacity.

goku x caulifla love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon