Caulifla arrives

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Hello everyone it's Joshua18 thanks to all of you who read my story and now let's get started with chapter 2

Last time on Goku x Caulifla fanfiction love Goku divorced chi chi.

Goku POV
I can't believe Chi Chi would do something like that I thought she was the loyal type but I guess I was wrong. But in the end for some reason in not as heartbroken as I thought I would be. I wonder what Caulifla is doing right now hope I get to fight her again she really was something else.

The moment Goku said that someone ringed at the door. Huh? I wonder who it could be and then goku opened the door and saw Caulifla and Vados.


Caulifla: Hi there Old Man long time no see

Vados: Hello there Goku it's a pleasure to meet you again

Goku: Nice to see you guys as well but what are you guys doing here

Caulifla: Don't you remember you promised you would train me.

Goku: Oh yeah I did say that

Vados: Anyway sorry but I have to get going God of Destruction are not the most patient people. It's was pleasure meeting you again goku if you'll excuse me

Goku: And there she goes, so anyway no problem Caulifla since I did promise to train you we'll start your training tomorrow morning.

Caulifla: Yeaah Awesome now we're talking
Goku: Anyway I'm hungry aren't you what do you think of getting fish for dinner

Caulifla: Sure here's what we can do the one who catches the most fish wins and the loser has to cook it I may be a lot weaker than you in fighting but there's no way I'm losing to you at fishing.

Goku: I wouldn't be so sure about that I've been fishing since I was a little kid so prepare yourself for a beating. Challenge Accepted

Caulifla: Anyway let's get started on 3 we go so 3,2,1 GOOOO!

And the both get started

15 minutes later.

Goku: huh huh huh

Caulifla: huh huh huh

Goku: looks like I won

Caulifla: WHAT are you kidding me I defeated you no sweat

Goku: Alright then let's start counting

Caulifla: ok then

Goku: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25
2 minutes later 97,98,99,100

Caulifla: 96,97,98,99

Goku: hahahahahaha I win

Caulifla: WHAAAAAT I can't believe I lost by 1 fish this is so unfair

Goku: Anyway you know what this means you cook dinner tonight look to be nice I'll cook dinner tomorrow.

Caulifla: Really you can cook I've never seen a saiyan Male who knows how to cook

Goku: Well I can Chi Chi told me how to cook huhhhhh

Caulifla: hmmm

Goku: well anyway let's get started shall we, we got a lot to do tomorrow.

Caulifla: Ohh yeah sure

30 minutes later

Caulifla: Old man I finished so get your butt here already.

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