Slowly Approaching The Truth [3/3]

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[Y/N] woke up. Startled, he tried to sit up but since his legs had fallen asleep he could not hold himself straight. He stumbled, cutting his finger with which he had previously held the sword blade.

,,___________________ahhh." - he looked at his wound, she was not big rather puny and weak. 

He felt empty inside. Rather sad. He dropped the weapon and walked over to his bed. Meanwhile, he could walk normally again, as his legs seemed wide awake.

He dropped onto the soft bed. Sighed strongly.

,,That wasn't everything. It seems so....incomplete. if something was deleted out. I don't know much more than that."

< ,,I have to apologize to her again. Tomorrow, yes tomorrow at school." >

,,Good, than that's done." - with tired eyes he spread out.

He did not even cover himself, he was too tired for that. In a few moments, [Y/N] was already solid in the sleeping world.

He moaned softly after a while. Caressing the blanket on which he lay, he began to ruffle more and more into it. Did he dream, and what did he think of?


The alarm rang, loud...very loud so that [Y/N] was torn out of his sleep.


He fell out of bed and left a loud crash.

,,What the hell?" - he looked at his alarm clock which wasn't even on. He started to get nervous and tryed to get it on.

It flipped on, revealing the current time.

It was too late, he had overslept.

,,Oh no, fuck me!" - he ran around, to the wardrobe, to the bathroom and back to his room.

The bandage around his left eye has been removed. It seemed to have recovered, showing only a small scratch. He must have punched against it with all his strength.

It had not even passed five minutes as he ran out of the front door and headed to school.

Some time passed and he arrived at his destination. No students were in the yard anymore, it was a bit after the normal class time.

Totally sleepy and even worse mood than usual, he pushed the class door aside and stared into the crowd. They looked at him more than confused, some even scared. Even the teacher looked at him worriedly.

,,W-What happened, [L/N]-kun?" - the teacher asked with more fear in her voice than necessary.

With a bad temper he shoved the door shut again and went to his seat. He sat down and stared out the window, the class calmed down.

It actually went off as usual, [Y/N] stared out the window and waited to go home again. 

He remembered why he actually came today. He looked to his right as he saw an empty seat. She probably don't come today.  [Y/N] sighed and rolled his eyes.

Mumbled, he said: ,,Great, I could have stayed home."

He felt sick all school. He was even about to vomit.

He did not even know what had happened as he looked at his hand.

It was full of blood, not smeared but fresh as if his entire palm was ripped open.

He got up as fast as possible, apologized and ran to the school toilet. He wiped his entire hand when he saw what was causing it.

The small cut of this morning, lost so much blood that his entire hand appeared pale.  White as snow.

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