The Worst Is Yet To Come

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Meanwhile, the two have been traveling longer in the temple grounds. Stocked with beautiful cherry blossom trees and ancient yet well-preserved ruins of the Tengu Temple.

Nevertheless, the mood between the two was a little tense.

They were rather silent than holding hands like about twenty-four hours ago.

,,I'm so sorry." - Kurumi mumbled.

,,For what?"

,,...that you had to go through all this." - she hesitated.

,,Pfft, You do not need to pity me. Keep your unnecessary sayings with you." - [Y/N] replied harsh.

Kurumi looked down at the ground, buzzing in her thoughts.

After a good walk the two reached a kind of chamber. To be honest it looked more like a tomb. On these black bricks there was an inscription, which read:

Let the lightning of Raijin burn you, so you may fly up into the so-called heaven --- But if you sin against your masters, may Yomi devour you.

While Kurumi puzzled over the inscription, [Y/N] opened a flap that brought him inside.

She followed him and looked around. You could not see much, but the room was not that big either.

In the room was a steely, black box which had also engraved 3 Kanji characters.

影 for shadow.
時空 for space and time.

[Y/N] opened the box and showed a long, black engraved sword. The same color as Kurumi's hair, yet it even shone.

For that it is over several centuries old, it looks like new.

,,That, is the black tempest. Also named as "Kuroi arashi"." - [Y/N] said with serious view.

The engravement on the sword could be read as  黒 - 嵐.

,,This sword was cast from liquid obsidian.  Forged and signed by the gods themselves. No matter what I have to sacrifice for it, i'll get my revenge. Whatever the cause of these huge spacequakes may is, I will remove it."

Kurumi stared at him distractedly, as if she were afraid of him.

They both left the grave and went to the practice site, well actually called [Y/N] it just so. It was actually a perfectly normal open space encased in cherry blossom trees and paving stone walkways.

[Y/N] held the sword firmly in his hands.  Hands on the mekugi-ana, he took a deep breath, closed his eye(s) and.......

Suddenly he groaned loudly and put his hand on his head.

,,Ahh fuck, here they are back again, these voices!"

Ignoring his surroundings, he listened attentively to the voices...

< Do not trust her. >
< She will uses you. >
< Flee and leave everything behind. >

...many more voices suddenly entered [Y/N]'s head, causing him more and more pain.

,,AAAHH, what do you all mean by that?" - he shouted in more pain.

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