Yukata over School Uniform

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[Y/N] slowly opened his door to wake no one. Because if his family knew that someone was with him, especially a cute girl, there would be serious trouble for him.

He looked around the hallway and back at Kurumi, who was apparently still in bed, curled up in the blanket and hugging the pillow whereupon [Y/N] had slept.

,,ahhh ~ It smells like Senpai." - she looked very happy smelling on it.

[Y/N] let out a short laugh and left the room, down the stairs to the kitchen on tiptoes.

When he got to the bottom and noticed that there is no human soul home, something suddenly came to his mind.

< ,,Wait, didn't they want to leave for the weekend? How could I forget that? Yes, they wanted to go away, means I'm alone, without annoying people." >

On [Y/N]'s face pulled a broad grin. As happy as he is in the last few days, it also scares him. Nevertheless, he did not even care about it, concentrating only about the breakfast he was preparing.

He organized a whole plate full of breakfast stuff, which he prepared cleanly. He carried the plate upstairs to his room and opened the door.

He looked at Kurumi, who was still in bed, huddled in the blanket.

,,Hey Miss, Breakfast is ready." - [Y/N] said and put the plate over her feet so she could eat in bed.

She opened her eyes as she saw the plate full of delicious food. Blushing, she said:

,,Oh, you bring food to the queens bed, how sweet of you."

,,Hey, it's still my bed!"

,,No, it's ours. Our Love Nest~." - saying in a seductively tone, forming a kiss mouth.

[Y/N] touched his forehead and sighed slightly. Meanwhile, he is already acclimated in her little games.

,,Hm, no it is not. Stop saying that. Anyway, that's for escorting me home."

She put her index finger on her lips and looked shyly at him.

,,Hihi, more likely because you could cuddle with me, the whole night~."

,,uh, noo. Hey, were not you the one who started that?" - [Y/N] answered, hearing Kurumi giggling heavily.

,,Anyway, I have to get ready, enjoy it." -sighing, he left the room, leaving her alone with delicious food.

She laughed again with relish and bit into the cream-filled croissant. Her eye shone after she bit into it.

,,Soooo yummy~."

[Y/N] in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, washing his face and all stuff to get ready for the day

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[Y/N] in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, washing his face and all stuff to get ready for the day.

He removed his bandages to see what it looked like now. It was still pretty dark, but it has recovered. Still, it is not enough. He renewed the bandages and put on his everyday clothes.

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