"Life carried on for awhile, Gabriel went quiet when he finally understood the situation, I don't think he was ever the same after you left. He missed you, a lot, I did too - we all did, Virgil" well, he didn't realise this story would make him feel guilty! But he remembered what Elizabeth told him a few days ago and relaxed, he needed to leave for his sake, for the sake of his family and his mental health.

"Harper helped him, though, which is why they're so close to this day!" He grinned, "Mia was born, and...Elizabeth tried to wait, she waited as much as she could, hoping you'd come back. She wanted you there but it came to a point where she couldn't wait any longer - she had Mia with William and they went back home. That Christmas wasn't the same, everyone knew it was because of themselves, what they did to you, what some of us didn't do, the elders were annoyed everyone was so sad, but I guess it was a good sort of revenge" he managed a slight smile, but he didn't keep it up as now Virgil was frowning, leaning forward.

"Then three years later Aria had Henry and Riley, they were cute babies, that year's Christmas was probably the worse. Once Aria and Aiden didn't let the elders anywhere near their kids, arguments broke out and it actually ended in a physical fight between Aiden and Alexander, they quickly left for home after that, along with Elizabeth, William and Mia because neither wanted their child to have a ruined Christmas, everyone else stuck around but it was very awkward" Oliver paused for a moment, finding it kinda funny he had Virgil's utmost attention.

"A year later Olivia had Izzy, she was sweet too! I heard Olivia and Michael were hesitant to come for Christmas but they did anyway-"

"Wait, Izzy?" Virgil cut him off and Oliver's eyes saddened, realisation breaking his heart a little. "Oh, Izzy, she...Olivia had a daughter but she wasn't well, I wasn't told much other than she was really ill, unfortunately she lost her battle at age three" Virgil's eyes dropped to the bed under him as silence settled in the room, he didn't know why this struck him so hard, he guessed because he didn't really think what his family's lives were like when he left - he didn't even imagine the possibility of someone dying, apart from the elders, but his sisters daughter? He didn't even get a chance to meet her..

Lifting up his hand, he wiped away a single tear from his cheek and quietly asked for Oliver to continue.

He hesitated, but did so. "That Christmas was nice, everyone behaved, Aria and Aiden came but their kids were kept under a close eye. They always are, but not enough for their lives to be ruined, they just have protective parents. I think it worsened when Izzy passed away, but the year Izzy was born Alexander died, not everyone attended his funeral, my parents didn't but allowed me to if I wanted"

Virgil looked up at him, silently asking. Oliver shook his head.

"The next year Camila and Samuel has Sebastian, and Christmas was filled with small kiddies, it was funny to watch them and I would often be put on baby duty while the older members talked. I don't really know what of, just boring adult stuff" he chuckled, then his lips pulled into a frown.

"I think the year Izzy died everyone's hearts changed. Olivia pointed out to everyone her daughter never got to meet one of her uncles because of them, she felt ashamed to be apart of such a family, and everyone else did, too. Victoria, Charlotte and James scoffed at the notion but everyone was changing, actually...we all went to a pride parade one year, it was fun, no one said it but we all wanted to see you" Oliver began picking at the bedding under him, letting out a sigh.

"Years passed, James passed away too, the same as Alexander with the funeral attendants, more friends than family - with the kids ageing up and the elders passing away, we all wanted you back but we didn't know how to get to you - on the ninth year Victoria died and it was just Charlotte left. Then, earlier this month Olivia searched through her old bedroom, found your number, texted and you replied...everyone was so excited but nervous, then you came and it was better than we all expected. Apart from Charlotte, but yeah...you're here, and we missed you, a lot" Oliver finished, shuffling closer towards his cousin until he was close enough to hug him, and that was exactly what he did.

Ten YearsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant