Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- "The fucking days of the week"

(Everything will be in Y/N's POV from now on until I say otherwise!!! Also swipe for the song mentioned towards the end of the chapter!)

When Thursday began, I was so zoned out that I barely even noticed the day practically passing me by. Todoroki asking me out completely threw me off, I am honestly a whole ass mess on the inside.

It kind of didn't feel real—him asking me out—it felt like some weird alternate reality aside from the one I was currently in. Of course that's just me being dramatic, but it definitely felt weird. Still, that didn't stop me from feeling happy about it.

Hell I didn't know where we were going, what I should wear, if I should even go, if this was even right to do? Midoriya and I just basically ended, and here I am going out with Todoroki.

I mean sure, he and I were never in an official relationship, but I really liked him.. I still do in a way. I care for him, but I doubt things will ever be the same between us. Especially since he's ignoring everyone around him except for Uraraka, Iida, and a few others. But what the hell can I do? He doesn't want anything to do with me or my friends for that matter. Cutting me off is one thing, but to cut off Kiri? Kami? Sero? Mina and Jirou? That's absolutely uncalled for. They didn't do anything wrong, and neither did I.

I mean I can see why he would be dismissive to Bakubitch, because he's a butt, but still. That is just not okay.

A sigh passed my lips as I unconsciously played with my ramen.

"Oi gas bitch, what's your problem?" Bakugou mumbled in between stuffing his face with rice.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust, he's such a damn mess.

"Ehh? Nothing, just tired S'all." I partially lied, deciding to finally eat my ramen before it got cold. I was tired from waking up around 3am from the same nightmare, but that wasn't why I was zoning out.

A snort escaped the spiky haired boy. He clearly didn't buy my excuse, but I don't feel like telling him the truth because everyone would make a big deal about it.

Just as he was about to say something, a new presence seemed to throw him off.

"Tch. Icy hot, the fuck you doing over here?" Bakugou seethed, absolutely ready to hit the bicolor haired boy over the head with a table tray.

I felt like I was going to pass out, my heart was beating so fast, as he seemed to ignore the spicy blonde and walk straight to me.

"L/N, do you mind coming to sit with me, so we can talk?" His smooth voice piped up, head tilting to the side in that cute way he does whenever he's slightly nervous.

Oddly enough, I seem to be the only one to have picked up on that nervous habit of his.

As his heterochromatic eyes bore into my own E/C ones, my head seemed to nod on its own accord. I can't explain this new feeling that was taking over me, it was this weird kind of curiosity and excitement.

If anyone else had the chance to be in BNHA, they'd make the absolute most of it. So I should as well!

A soft smile made its way to my face as I stood up slowly, going to grab my tray to take it with me. As I reached for it, Todoroki's hands halted my actions, getting the tray before I could.

A slight tilt of his head telling me to come on, his empty hand reaching out to guide me by resting lightly on the small of my back.

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