Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- "Maybe I'm just hallucinating."

Y/N's group settled down for the night in a small opening not too far off from a riverbank.

They had spent majority of the day looking for their flag. At first, Y/N thought it'd be easier with their flag being such a bright neon color, but of course she was wrong.

She was so tired, and she felt so dirty. All she wanted to do was shower, eat some of Momo's rice balls and go to sleep. But alas, she was in the fucking woods.

Y/N groaned as her butt came in contact with the dirt on the ground.

"We should rest, and resume looking for the flag as soon as daylight breaks." Midoriya spoke up.

"We should take shifts watching. Ms.Midnight did say that there were obstacles or something right? There's no telling if they'll sneak up on us while we're trying to rest." Mina shared thoughtfully.

The rest of the group nodded their heads—well except for Bakugou, who just grunted—in response.

After deciding who will take first shift and so on, the group tried their best to get comfortable enough to get some decent sleep. Then, as Bakugou took first watch, the rest of them finally found themselves in a restless sleep.

Before long, it was Y/N's turn to take watch. As everyone slept, she found herself feeling extremely uncomfortable. She felt like she was being watched.

'Could it be one of those obstacles that Midnight warned us about?' She thought to herself.

She took a quick look at her group members sleeping, she could tell Hitoshi was having a hard time staying asleep. He had sleeping problems just like her, it was a miracle that he even fell asleep in the first place.

As she was about to get up to comfort him, she heard a twig snap not too far off from where she was sitting. Y/N quickly stood up, taking out her knife and standing in a defensive manner.

Her E/C eyes scanned the area around her. The only thing that worked in her favor in the moment was that she could see amazingly well in the dark. It was probably due to the fact that she tried to spend as much time in the dark alone in her room as she could. Not that she was going through anything, sometimes she just liked the peace and quiet. Although, at this moment she did not enjoy the darkness nor the silence.

As Y/N was scanning the area, her eyes caught sight of something seemingly far off. She squinted, 'Am I imagining this?' she thought to herself.

She could've sworn that the thing or person was moving, and she could see something red in the distance. 'What is that?' Her feet unconsciously taking a couple of steps forward to get a better look.

She heard it getting closer, finally being able to tell that there were two red things resembling eyes of some sort. Y/N quickly pulled out a light, fumbling with it before pointing it in the direction of whatever the thing was.

It was only a second, and thats all she needed for her to set off a terrified scream, alerting her group members and making them jolt out of their sleep.

She took a step back in pure horror, not being able to hear Bakugou's questioning shouts.

It was like a switch went off in her head, and she ran. But for some fucking reason, unbeknownst to her, she ran towards the thing.

Y/N swore she could hear it's footsteps running away from her, like this was some sick game of tag. Even though fear was spread through every bone in her body, her mind kept repeating the same thing over and over again: 'I have to do this.'

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