Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- "Just pretend you do."

"Tell me something, tell me something. You don't know nothing, just pretend you do. I need something, tell me something new.."

The wise words of Harry Styles blared through Y/N's headphones as she unpacked her things into her dorm room. She was in dorm complex 2A-2B. As the name holds, this complex houses all students of classes 2A and B which was awesome in Y/N's opinion.

She hadn't seen any other students, since apparently she was the only new student. This was expected, but Y/N didn't think everyone was already all moved in. Now she had to unpack everything in order to catch up with everyone else.

In all honesty, she was grateful that the dorms were basically empty because she really couldn't handle bumping into anyone yet. Y/N hadn't decided how she would handle meeting any of the people of Boku No Hero Academia. She can't go and reveal anything about it being a show or her being from—well not from here? She was confused again, and it was starting to become an attribute to Y/N's personality.

While her parents talked to principal Nezu, and her brothers ran around the dorms like wild animals, Y/N tried her best to make her room look nice.

So far she had everything on her bed made, posters and pictures up, lamps set up, cool lights set up, books put away, and shoes in her shoe rack. The only things not put away were her clothes. The boxes were just stacked up in the closet while a couple sat on her desk.

She sighed before plopping down on her bed.

Y/N was about to fall asleep when her parents suddenly walked in her room, waking the poor child up. She took out her headphones waiting for her mom to speak up.

"Well everything's all set up." Her mom sighed, setting down some papers and two cards on the girls desk.

"That's your school ID card and your debit card that your mom has been holding. There's already money on there, and you already know your bank login and pin. I am going to add money on there every week, but that doesn't mean go spending money like crazy." Her dad—Derek—added.

Y/N nodded before getting up to follow her parents out. After a small pit stop to gather the two heathens, they found themselves outside of the UA gates.

Y/N said her goodbyes to her parents, which lasted a good 10 minutes before she turned back around and went to her dorm.

As she was walking up the steps, she heard people coming in and talking loudly behind her.

Her eyes widened as she practically ran to her room and shut the door. 'Not today satan.'

Y/N decided to put all her clothes away and fold the boxes so her room could at least be set up by tonight. She really didn't want to have to worry about it later.

After a couple of hours, her clothes were finally all put away. The boxes were neatly folded and tucked behind her bed out of the way.

She took a dramatic step back and admired her room. It honestly looked cool, kind of like her dorm back home. 'Can I even call it home anymore?' The thought had her frowning.

Y/N shook her her before sitting down on medium sized white rug. It was fluffy and comfortable. She grabbed the papers her mom put on her desk along with the cards. Y/N tucked the cards behind her phone case.

She then took a quick look at the papers. They were simple things like her timetable on classes, map of school grounds, her class name—stuff like that.

The H/C haired girl sighed as she tossed the papers back on her desk, and laid back on the floor. It wasn't long before Y/N found herself waking up from an unexpected nap.

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