Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- "Find a purpose, a reason to stay"

'A purpose?'

Y/N scrunched up her nose at the thought, her pen tapping lightly against her cheek as her head rested in the palm of her hand.

Ms. Midnight's voice had been tuned out for about 15 minutes now as Y/N's mind wondered about all sorts of things. But for some reason, one thought seemed to be plaguing her mind.

The H/C haired girl felt like she had absolutely no purpose here in this world. Now, it may seem like she's being a little dramatic here, but to be fair she wasn't from this universe and she some how magically ended up here. That had to mean she was here for a reason, right?

But here Y/N was, a few months into being in this world now, and she couldn't help but feel like there was something missing.

She had met everyone there was to meet—every single person from the show. Well, aside from the League of Villains, which was all over by the time she got here. The ones that lived were all in high security jail, so she had no worry there. She was close friends with practically everyone in this class and even Hitoshi from outside of her class. So why did she feel like she was missing something?

Y/N couldn't help it, her stomach felt queasy at these thoughts, like her body knew something that she didn't.

There was something coming for her, something big meant for her, and she knew it. The only thing that scared her, was this weird feeling in her heart that wanted it to come.

Not that Y/N wanted to be in trouble, but she wanted the trouble to come already so it can be over with. She hated this empty and on edge feeling.

"Y/N?" She heard a soft monotone voice call out to her, snapping out of her thoughts.

She finally came back to the world as Hitoshi stood in front of her, his indigo eyes boring into her own E/C ones. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Toshi? What are you doing here?" She finally spoke up, confusion lacing her voice.

"Your class left a couple of minutes ago to the Beta gym with my class. I noticed you weren't out there when everyone was I came in to see if you were in here." He stated plainly, eyes roaming the girls for any sign of trouble.

"Oh." She replied, surprised when she finally noticed no one else was in the class.

She quickly put her stuff in her bag, standing up and grabbing the boys hand so they could go to the gym.

"Are you okay bug?" he asked, slightly concerned as to why she was so distracted that she didn't even notice her classmates leave or even him calling her name a few times.

A small smile made its way to her face as she heard the nickname he loved to call her. Although the nickname came from the fact that he jokingly told her she looked like a damn bug, she still loved the fact that he gave her one.

She hummed, properly intertwining their fingers as they walked to Beta gym.

"I'm fine Toshi. I was just too deep in thought to pay attention to my surroundings." Y/N replied, looking up at him slightly.

Hitoshi raised a brow at her answer, not yet convinced. The action caused the girl to chuckle at his protectiveness.

She stopped walking, causing him to stop as well. He looked at the girl strangely, about to speak up before she beat him to it.

"I-" She paused, trying to gather her words properly. "Please don't laugh at me when I say this.." She begged, looking up at the boy in front of her, eyes wide conveying her nervous she was.

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