Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- "When in doubt, squad it out."

Bitch what the fuck?

The day surprisingly didn't get worse. Sure Y/N failed that pop quiz, but luckily Aizawa was a lying liar.

His lying didn't sit too well with Iida because he ended up lecturing the man about trust or something. Y/N couldn't really focus on what he was saying with his hands chopping around in the air like that. In person, it looked even funnier.

During free period and outdoor training, Y/N had time to meet everyone in the class. She also found out that Mineta was expelled, which is how there was a spot for her in 2A to begin with. She was extremely thankful that he wasn't here, because if he said something to her, she would surely beat the crap out of him. And who would blame her? He was a creep and a pervert.

Now here she was, in line getting food from Lunch Rush. She picked out some miso soup, a shrimp roll and some broccoli.

"You're going to get broccoli without rice?" Jiro piped up from her spot in the line behind her.

"Of course! I love broccoli!" Y/N laughed causing Jiro to shake her head.

"You know who looks like a broccoli?" Mina joked from behind Jiro as they all moved up in the line.

The two girls shook their heads waiting for Mina to continue.

"Midoriya Izuku!" She laughed loudly.

Jiro snorted as Y/N shushed the two girls because said boy was one person in front of her in the line.

"Stop, he'll hear you doofus!" Y/N whisper shouted to the pink skinned girl while trying to stifle a laugh.

"He could make any girl like broccoli, eh is that right Midoriya?" Jiro yelled out to the boy in front of them.

Midoriya turned his head, a blush evident, confirming that he heard their whole conversation.

Y/N groaned hitting Jiro on the arm playfully.

"Leave the poor boy alone!" She laughed, moving up to pay for her food.

"L-L/N-chan! I-it's fine, I-"

"Midoriya, I told you to call me Y/N." The girl spoke softly to the curly haired boy, as they all walked towards the tables.

"R-right! Sorry, Y-Y/N" He apologized sheeply, blushing madly.

'He's so fucking cute, what the fuck Izuku.'

"Come on Y/N! Let's go sit with the Baku-Squad!" Mina shouted out, gently pushing the girl towards their table.

Y/N quickly apologized to Midoriya as the two girls pushed her towards their group.

'If I sit with the Baku-Squad.. then is that my squad for the rest of my time being here?' She thought to herself as she took a seat in between Jiro and Mina. Believe it or not, she had no objections to joining the squad. She loved those losers and always wished to know what it was like whenever she watched the show.

The table was only occupied by Kaminari and Sero at the moment, who were sitting across from the girls.

"Hey Y/N-" Kaminari started but Sero cut him off.

"Don't start your bullshit." Sero laughed causing the yellow haired boy to sulk.

"No, it's fine Sero." Y/N smiled. "Go on Kaminari, I wanna see what you've come up with this time." She urged the discount pikachu to finish.

See, Kaminari has been hitting on the girl since free period. He's come up with all sorts of crazy ways to compliment her or slip in a cheesy pick up line. To be honest, it made Y/N laugh every time, so she was always open to hearing them.

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